冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第371期:第二十三章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   Inside, a forge blazed in each corner, and the air stank of smoke and sulfur.  每个角落都有一座熊熊燃烧的锻炉,空气里充溢着烟硝和硫磺的臭味。

  Journeymen armorers glanced up from their hammers and tongs just long enough to wipe the sweat from their brows, while bare-chested apprentice boys worked the bellows. 铁匠工头抬头瞄了一眼,只来得及抹抹额际汗珠,便又继续挥舞铁锤和钳子,打着赤膊的学徒则努力鼓动风炉。
  The master called over a tall lad about Robb's age, his arms and chest corded with muscle.  武器师傅把一个年龄大约与罗柏相若,两臂和胸膛都是结实肌肉的高大男孩叫过来。
  This is Lord Stark, the new Hand of the King, he told him as the boy looked at Ned through sullen blue eyes and pushed back sweat-soaked hair with his fingers.  这就是史塔克大人,国王新任的首相。男孩一边听他说,一边以他那双阴沉的蓝眼睛打量奈德,并用手指把汗水浸湿的头发往后拨。
  Thick hair, shaggy and unkempt and black as ink. The shadow of a new beard darkened his jaw. This is Gendry.  他的头发又粗又厚,乱成一团,如墨水般漆黑。他下巴刚长出点黑胡渣。这是詹德利,
  Strong for his age, and he works hard. Show the Hand that helmet you made, lad.  以他这年纪算得强壮,干起活来也挺勤快。小子,让首相大人瞧瞧你打的那顶头盔罢。
  Almost shyly, the boy led them to his bench, and a steel helm shaped like a bull's head, with two great curving horns. 男孩有些害羞地领他们走到他休息的长凳,将一顶状如牛头,还有两只弧形牛角的头盔拿给奈德看。
  Ned turned the helm over in his hands. It was raw steel, unpolished but expertly shaped.  奈德拿来反复把玩,这头盔是粗钢制成,未经雕琢,但造型却是行家里手。
  This is fine work. I would be pleased if you would let me buy it. 做得很好,不知你可否愿意卖给我?
  The boy snatched it out of his hands. It's not for sale. 男孩一把从他手中抢过头盔。这不是拿来卖的。
  Tobho Mott looked horror-struck.  托布·莫特一脸惊恐。
  Boy, this is the King's Hand.  小子,这可是首相大人哪,
  If his lordship wants this helm, make him a gift of it.  大人他看得上眼,你还不快送给他,
  He honors you by asking. 他光开口问已经很给你面子了。
  I made it for me, the boy said stubbornly. 我做了给自己戴的。男孩倔强地说。