冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第372期:第二十三章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   A hundred pardons, my lord, his master said hurriedly to Ned.The boy is crude as new steel, and like new steel would profit from some beating.  大人,真是千万个对不起,他的主人急忙对奈德说:这小子倔得跟生铁似的,生铁就是欠打。

  That helm is journeyman's work at best. Forgive him and I promise I will craft you a helm like none you have ever seen. 不过这头盔也不是什么值钱家什,若您肯原谅他,我保证为您打一顶前所未有的上等货色。
  He's done nothing that requires my forgiveness.  他又没做错事,我没什么好原谅的。
  Gendry, when Lord Arryn came to see you, what did you talk about? 詹德利,艾林大人来看你时,你们都说了些什么?
  He asked me questions is all, m'lord. 大人,他不过就问了些问题。
  What sort of questions? 什么问题?
  The boy shrugged. How was I, and was I well treated, and if I liked the work, and stuff about my mother. Who she was and what she looked like and all. 男孩耸肩道:问我过得好不好啊,主人待我如何啊,我喜不喜欢这差事啊,还有我妈的事,问她是谁、长得怎么样这些。
  What did you tell him? Ned asked. 你怎么回答?
  The boy shoved a fresh fall of black hair off his forehead. She died when I was little.  男孩拨开一撮新垂下的黑发。我还小的时候她就死了。
  She had yellow hair, and sometimes she used to sing to me, I remember. She worked in an alehouse. 我只记得她的头发是黄色的,有时会唱歌给我听。她在酒馆里做事。
  Did Lord Stannis question you as well? 史坦尼斯大人也问过你问题吗?
  The bald one? No, not him. He never said no word, just glared at me, like I was some raper who done for his daughter. 光头的那个?没,他没问。他都不说话,光盯着我瞧,好像我上了他女儿似的。
  Mind your filthy tongue, the master said. This is the King's own Hand. The boy lowered his eyes.  讲话当心点,师傅说,你是在和国王的首相大人说话。
  A smart boy, but stubborn. That helm...the others call him bullheaded, so he threw it in their teeth. 男孩低下头。这孩子聪明,偏偏就是拗。瞧这头盔…别人骂他牛脾气,他就打顶牛头盔来气他们。
  Ned touched the boy's head, fingering the thick black hair. Look at me, Gendry.  奈德摸摸男孩的头,轻搓着他粗黑的头发。詹德利,看着我。