冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第373期:第二十三章 艾德(14)(在线收听

   The apprentice lifted his face. Ned studied the shape of his jaw, the eyes like blue ice.  小学徒抬起头,奈德仔细审视着他下巴的轮廓,还有那对冷若冰霜的蓝眼睛。

  Yes, he thought, I see it. Go back to your work, lad.  是了,他心想,我知道了。去干活罢,小伙子。
  I'm sorry to have bothered you. He walked back to the house with the master.  抱歉打扰你。他随武器师傅走回屋里。
  Who paid the boy's apprentice fee? he asked lightly. 这孩子的见习费是谁付的?他轻描淡写地问。
  Mott looked fretful. You saw the boy. Such a strong boy.  莫特看上去相当害怕。您自己也看到了,这孩子强壮得很,
  Those hands of his, those hands were made for hammers. He had such promise, I took him on without a fee. 还有他那双手,天生就是打铁的料,这孩子有潜力,所以我没收见习费。
  The truth now, Ned urged. The streets are full of strong boys.  跟我说实话,奈德催促他,强壮的小伙子满街都是。
  The day you take on an apprentice without a fee will be the day the Wall comes down. Who paid for him? 除非长城倒塌,否则你不可能不收见习费。到底是谁付的?
  A lord, the master said reluctantly. He gave no name, and wore no sigil on his coat.  是个官家老爷,武器师傅很不情愿地说,他没说自己的名姓,外衣上也没有家徽。
  He paid in gold, twice the customary sum, and said he was paying once for the boy, and once for my silence. 他拿出手的是金子,而且付了平常的双倍,说一半是孩子的见习费,另一半是要我别说出去。
  Describe him. 说说他长什么样。
  He was stout, round of shoulder, not so tall as you.  他很粗壮,宽肩膀,但没您高。
  Brown beard, but there was a bit of red in it, I'll swear.  棕色的胡子,似乎还杂了点红。
  He wore a rich cloak, that I do remember, heavy purple velvet worked with silver threads,  我倒是记得他穿的披风,高档货,扎实的紫天鹅绒料子,滚了银边,
  but the hood shadowed his face and I never did see him clear.  可兜帽遮住了他的脸,我看不清楚。
  He hesitated a moment. My lord, I want no trouble. 他迟疑了一下。大人,我不想惹麻烦。
  None of us wants trouble, but I fear these are troubled times, Master Mott, Ned said. You know who the boy is. 谁都不想惹麻烦。可是莫特师傅,恐怕这是个麻烦的年代。奈德道,你很清楚这孩子是谁。
  I am only an armorer, my lord. I know what I'm told. 大人,我只是个武器师傅,不知道什么我不该知道的事。