冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第374期:第二十三章 艾德(15)(在线收听

   You know who the boy is, Ned repeated patiently. That is not a question. 你很清楚这孩子是谁,奈德耐心地重复一遍。我可不是问你知不知道。

  The boy is my apprentice, the master said. He looked Ned in the eye, stubborn as old iron.  这孩子是我的学徒,武器师傅说。他迎视奈德的目光,眼神固执得如钢铁一般。
  Who he was before he came to me, that's none of my concern. 他来我这儿以前是谁,那不干我的事。
  Ned nodded. He decided that he liked Tobho Mott, master armorer.  奈德点点头,觉得自己还挺喜欢托布·莫特这位武器大师。
  If the day ever comes when Gendry would rather wield a sword than forge one, send him to me. He has the look of a warrior.  哪天要是詹德利不想继续铸剑,想要实际弄把刀玩玩的话,叫他来找我,我看他是块当兵的料。
  Until then, you have my thanks, Master Mott, and my promise. Should I ever want a helm to frighten children, this will be the first place I visit. 在那之前呢,莫特师傅,我谢谢你照顾他。我跟你保证,若是我想弄顶头盔来吓吓小孩,一定第一个找你。
  His guard was waiting outside with the horses. Did you find anything, my lord? Jacks asked as Ned mounted up. 他的侍卫牵马等在外面。老爷,您查出什么了吗?奈德上马时,杰克斯开口问。
  I did, Ned told him, wondering. What had Jon Arryn wanted with a king's bastard, and why was it worth his life? 有的。奈德告诉他,自己却思绪满怀。琼恩·艾林找国王的私生子做什么?到底什么事值得他连命都赔上?
  My lady, you ought cover your head, Ser Rodrik told her as their horses plodded north. You will take a chill. 夫人,您还是把头包住,他们骑马踽踽北行,途中罗德利克爵士一再告诫她,不然会着凉的。
  It is only water, Ser Rodrik, Catelyn replied.  罗德利克爵士,淋点雨没什么大不了。
  Her hair hung wet and heavy, a loose strand stuck to her forehead, and she could imagine how ragged and wild she must look, but for once she did not care.  凯特琳回答。她的湿头发沉甸甸地垂下来,一撮松掉的发束黏贴在额头上,不难想像自己的模样有多狼狈,但这次她却不在乎。
  The southern rain was soft and warm. Catelyn liked the feel of it on her face, gentle as a mother's kisses.  南国的雨柔软而温和,凯特琳喜欢用脸颊去体会这种轻如慈母亲吻的感觉。