冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第375期:第二十三章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   It took her back to her childhood, to long grey days at Riverrun.  这感觉将她带回到童年时代,

  She remembered the godswood, drooping branches heavy with moisture, and the sound of her brother's laughter as he chased her through piles of damp leaves.  忆起在奔流城度过的那些灰蒙蒙的日子。她记得饱溢湿气的神木林,枝干低垂;记得弟弟追着她跑过一堆堆湿叶,笑声清脆。
  She remembered making mud pies with Lysa, the weight of them, the mud slick and brown between her fingers.  她也记得和莱莎玩泥巴的种种情景,记得泥团在手中的重量,滑溜的褐泞在指间流动的感觉。
  They had served them to Littlefinger, giggling, and he'd eaten so much mud he was sick for a week. How young they all had been. 后来,她们咯咯笑着把做好的泥饼端给小指头吃,他竟当真吃了一堆,足足病了一个星期。啊,记得当时年纪还小。
  Catelyn had almost forgotten. In the north, the rain fell cold and hard, and sometimes at night it turned to ice.  凯特琳本以为自己早已忘却了这些事。北境的雨寒冷而无情,有时入夜还会成霜。
  It was as likely to kill a crop as nurture it, and it sent grown men running for the nearest shelter. That was no rain for little girls to play in. 说是滋养生殖,转眼就变成作物杀手,连成人遇上也纷纷走避。这种雨,哪是给小女孩玩的呢?
  I am soaked through, Ser Rodrik complained. Even my bones are wet.  全身都湿透了,罗德利克爵士抱怨,湿到骨子里去了。
  The woods pressed close around them, and the steady pattering of rain on leaves was accompanied by the small sucking sounds their horses made as their hooves pulled free of the mud.  他们周围树林浓密,叶梢的落雨声伴着马蹄行走泥泞的响动。
  We will want a fire tonight, my lady, and a hot meal would serve us both. 夫人,我们今晚该找个有火的地方歇歇,若能吃点热东西更好。
  There is an inn at the crossroads up ahead, Catelyn told him. She had slept many a night there in her youth, traveling with her father.  前面路口有家旅店。凯特琳告诉他。她年轻时与父亲外出曾多次在此借宿。
  Lord Hoster Tully had been a restless man in his prime, always riding somewhere.  霍斯特·徒利公爵壮年时在城里待不住,总是骑马到处晃荡。
  She still remembered the innkeep, a fat woman named Masha Heddle who chewed sourleaf night and day  她还记得旅馆主人是个不分昼夜嚼着烟叶、名叫玛莎·海德的胖女人。
  and seemed to have an endless supply of smiles and sweet cakes for the children.  玛莎似乎永远都是笑容满面,还常拿蛋糕给孩子们吃。