冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第376期:第二十三章 艾德(17)(在线收听

   The sweet cakes had been soaked with honey, rich and heavy on the tongue, but how Catelyn had dreaded those smiles.  她的蛋糕浸过蜂蜜,吃起来香味浓郁。只是凯特琳很怕她的笑容,

  The sourleaf had stained Masha's teeth a dark red, and made her smile a bloody horror. 因为烟草把牙齿染成了暗红色,笑起来似乎血淋淋,怪吓人的。
  An inn, Ser Rodrik repeated wistfully.  有旅馆当然好,罗德利克爵士满心向往地重复了一遍。
  If only...but we dare not risk it.If we wish to remain unknown, I think it best we seek out some small holdfast.  不过…我们最好还是别冒险,为了避免被人认出,还是找家民居借宿比较妥…
  He broke off as they heard sounds up the road; splashing water, the clink of mail, a horse's whinny.  这时路上传来盔甲铿锵、马匹嘶鸣和雨水溅洒的声音,他急忙住口。
  Riders, he warned, his hand dropping to the hilt of his sword. Even on the kingsroad, it never hurt to be wary. 有人。他一边出声警告,一边伸手握住剑柄。即便是在国王大道,小心谨慎也绝对有益无害。
  They followed the sounds around a lazy bend of the road and saw them; a column of armed men noisily fording a swollen stream.  他们循声而去,绕过一个慵懒的弯道,看见那一群成纵队行进的人马,全副武装,正嘈杂地渡过涨水的溪流。
  Catelyn reined up to let them pass. The banner in the hand of the foremost rider hung sodden and limp,  凯特琳拉住缰绳让他们先行。骑在队伍前列的人高举的旗帜已然湿透,垂挂下来,看不清晰。
  but the guardsmen wore indigo cloaks and on their shoulders flew the silver eagle of Seagard.  但来人都穿着蓝紫色的披风,海疆城的银色飞鹰纹章在肩头飞扬。
  Mallisters, Ser Rodrik whispered to her, as if she had not known. My lady, best pull up your hood. 是梅利斯特家的人。罗德利克爵士朝她耳语,生怕她不知道。夫人,我看您还是把兜帽拉起来吧。
  Catelyn made no move. Lord Jason Mallister himself rode with them, surrounded by his knights, his son Patrek by his side and their squires close behind.  凯特琳没有照办。杰森·梅利斯特伯爵本人就在队伍里面,骑士们围绕四周,身边是儿子派崔克,侍从们则跟在后方。
  They were riding for King's Landing and the Hand's tourney, she knew.  她一眼就看出他们是赶往君临参加首相的比武大会。
  For the past week, the travelers had been thick as flies upon the kingsroad;  过去这一个星期,国王大道上到处都是骑士和自由骑手,
  knights and freeriders, singers with their harps and drums, heavy wagons laden with hops or corn or casks of honey, traders and craftsmen and whores,  带着竖琴和皮鼓的吟游诗人,满载啤酒花、玉米和一桶桶蜂蜜的马车,还有生意人,工匠和妓女,汹涌的人潮使得国王大道拥挤不堪,
  and all of them moving south. 所有人都往南走。