冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第377期:第二十三章 艾德(18)(在线收听

   She studied Lord Jason boldly.  她不顾被认出的风险,好好地打量了杰森伯爵一番。

  The last time she had seen him he had been jesting with her uncle at her wedding feast;  上次见他还是在她婚宴之上,当时他只顾着和她叔叔说笑。
  the Mallisters stood bannermen to the Tullys, and his gifts had been lavish.  梅利斯特家族是徒利家族的臣属,此人出手送礼向来大方。
  His brown hair was salted with white now, his face chiseled gaunt by time, yet the years had not touched his pride.  如今他的棕发间杂了几丝白色,岁月把他的脸庞凿出了痕迹,却并未减损他的骄傲,
  He rode like a man who feared nothing. Catelyn envied him that; she had come to fear so much.  他骑在马上的神情天不怕地不怕。凯特琳实在羡慕,她自己担惊受怕可太多了。
  As the riders passed, Lord Jason nodded a curt greeting, but it was only a high lord's courtesy to strangers chance met on the road.  他们经过时,杰森男爵简单地点头致意,但那只是贵族老爷路遇陌生人时的基本礼貌。
  There was no recognition in those fierce eyes, and his son did not even waste a look. 那双锐利的眼睛并没有认出她,而他儿子则根本连看都懒得看。
  He did not know you, Ser Rodrik said after, wondering. 他竟没认出您。之后罗德利克爵士疑惑地说。
  He saw a pair of mud-spattered travelers by the side of the road, wet and tired.  他只看到两个又湿又累,溅满泥浆的旅人站在路边,
  It would never occur to him to suspect that one of them was the daughter of his liege lord.  绝想不到其中一个会是他主子的女儿。
  I think we shall be safe enough at the inn, Ser Rodrik. 我想我们就算进了旅馆也会很安全的,罗德利克爵士。
  It was near dark when they reached it, at the crossroads north of the great confluence of the Trident.  旅馆位于三河汇流处以北的岔路口,他们抵达时天已快黑。
  Masha Heddle was fatter and greyer than Catelyn remembered, still chewing her sourleaf,  玛莎·海德还在嚼她的烟草,比凯特琳记忆中胖了点,头发也灰白了些,
  but she gave them only the most cursory of looks, with nary a hint of her ghastly red smile.  好在她只草草瞟了他们一眼,没有露出恐怖的血腥微笑。
  Two rooms at the top of the stair, that's all there is, she said, chewing all the while.  只剩楼上两间客房,别的没了,她一边说,嘴里一边嚼个没完。
  They're under the bell tower, you won't be missing meals, though there's some thinks it too noisy.  两间都在钟塔下,所以不用担心错过用餐,只是有人会嫌吵。
  Can't be helped. We're full up, or near as makes no matter. It's those rooms or the road. 没办法,人太多,我们差不多客满了。如果不要,就请两位上路。