冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第378期:第二十三章 艾德(19)(在线收听

   It was those rooms, low, dusty garrets at the top of a cramped narrow staircase.  他们当然要。房间在低矮积尘的阁楼内,要经过狭窄老旧的楼梯爬上去。

  Leave your boots down here, Masha told them after she'd taken their coin.  把鞋子留在这儿,玛莎收了钱后告诉他们,
  The boy will clean them.  伙计待会儿来清理。
  I won't have you tracking mud up my stairs. Mind the bell.  我可不想看你们踩着烂泥上楼。注意钟声,来晚了就没得吃了。
  Those who come late to meals don't eat. There were no smiles, and no mention of sweet cakes. 她脸上没有笑容,也只字未提香甜的蛋糕。
  When the supper bell rang, the sound was deafening.  当晚餐的钟声真的敲响时,简直震耳欲聋。
  Catelyn had changed into dry clothes.  凯特琳换了干衣服,
  She sat by the window, watching rain run down the pane.  正坐在窗边,凝视雨滴溜下窗棂。
  The glass was milky and full of bubbles, and a wet dusk was falling outside.  玻璃模糊不清,水珠密布,雨夜正要降临。
  Catelyn could just make out the muddy crossing where the two great roads met. 凯特琳勉强分辨得出两条大路交会处的泥泞渡口。
  The crossroads gave her pause. If they turned west from here, it was an easy ride down to Riverrun.  看到岔路,她飘忽的视线不禁停了下来。假如他们由此向西,便可轻松愉快地抵达奔流城。
  Her father had always given her wise counsel when she needed it most, and she yearned to talk to him, to warn him of the gathering storm.  父亲总会在她需要的时候给予睿智的建议,她也渴望和他谈谈,警告他即将来临的风暴。
  If Winterfell needed to brace for war,how much more so Riverrun, so much closer to King's Landing, with the power of Casterly Rock looming to the west like a shadow.  倘若临冬城当真不免一战,奔流城更是首当其冲,因为它既靠近君临,西面又有如阴影般的凯岩城势力。
  If only her father had been stronger, she might have chanced it, but Hoster Tully had been bedridden these past two years, and Catelyn was loath to tax him now. 若是父亲身体健康一点,她或许还会考虑,然而霍斯特·徒利卧病在床已有两年之久,凯特琳不愿再加重他的负担。
  The eastern road was wilder and more dangerous, climbing through rocky foothills and thick forests into the Mountains of the Moon,  东边的路比较崎岖,也更险恶,攀越岩石山丘和浓密树林,进入明月山脉,
  past high passes and deep chasms to the Vale of Arryn and the stony Fingers beyond.  再穿过陡峭隘口和深渊绝壁,则会到达艾林谷,以及更远处崎岖多石的五指半岛。