冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第382期:第二十三章 艾德(23)(在线收听

   The company included more swords than Catelyn would have liked.  然而用餐的人里有太多带着刀剑,看得凯特琳有些担心。

  Three by the fire wore the red stallion badge of the Brackens, and there was a large party in blue steel ringmail and capes of a silvery grey.  坐在炉边那三个佩着布雷肯家的红色骏马徽章,还有一大群身穿蓝钢环甲,肩披银灰披风的人,
  On their shoulder was another familiar sigil, the twin towers of House Frey.  他们肩头所绣的正是她熟悉的佛雷家双塔纹章。
  She studied their faces, but they were all too young to have known her.  她一一打量他们的脸,但他们年纪都太小,认不出来。
  The senior among them would have been no older than Bran when she went north. 里面年纪稍长的,在她嫁到北方时也不过是布兰现在的年龄。
  Ser Rodrik found them an empty place on the bench near the kitchen.  罗德利克爵士在靠近厨房的长椅上找到两个位子,
  Across the table a handsome youth was fingering a woodharp.  饭桌对面坐了个英俊的年轻人,手里正拨弄着木头竖琴。
  Seven blessings to you, goodfolk, he said as they sat.  好心人,七神保佑你们。他们坐下时他开口道。
  An empty wine cup stood on the table before him. 一个空酒杯摆在他面前。
  And to you, singer, Catelyn returned. Ser Rodrik called for bread and meat and beer in a tone that meant now.  也保佑你,好歌手。凯特琳回答。罗德利克爵士用一种现在就要的口气叫了面包、肉和啤酒。
  The singer, a youth of some eighteen years, eyed them boldly and asked where they were going, and from whence they had come,  歌手约莫十八岁,他大胆地瞧着他们,问他们打哪儿来,往哪儿走,
  and what news they had, letting the questions fly as quick as arrows and never pausing for an answer.  路上有些什么消息等等,连珠炮似的一串问题,叫人不及反应。
  We left King's Landing a fortnight ago, Catelyn replied, answering the safest of his questions. 我们两个星期前从君临出发的。凯特琳挑了最安全的问题回答。
  That's where I'm bound, the youth said. As she had suspected, he was more interested in telling his own story than in hearing theirs.  我正要去那儿呢。年轻人道。果然不出她所料,他对说自己的事远比听他们的事感兴趣。
  Singers loved nothing half so well as the sound of their own voices.  歌手们最爱的莫过于炫耀自己的声音。
  The Hand's tourney means rich lords with fat purses.  首相比武大会上财主老爷肯定多的是,
  The last time I came away with more silver than I could carry or would have, if I hadn't lost it all betting on the Kingslayer to win the day. 上回我赚的钱多到搬不动…呃,只可惜我后来把注下在'弑君者'身上,输了个精光。