冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第384期:第二十三章 艾德(25)(在线收听

   I might have a copper or two, but I'd sooner toss it down a well than pay for your howling, Ser Rodrik groused.  我是有两个铜板,但我宁可把钱扔到井里也不想听你鬼叫。罗德利克爵士没好气地说。

  His opinion of singers was well known; music was a lovely thing for girls,  他讨厌歌手是出了名的,他认为女孩子家学点音乐固然很好,
  but he could not comprehend why any healthy boy would fill his hand with a harp when he might have had a sword. 但身体健康的男孩竟然不碰刀剑,反而拿个竖琴哼哼唱唱,实在太不像话。
  Your grandfather has a sour nature, Marillion said to Catelyn. I meant to do you honor.  你爷爷讲话真酸,马瑞里安对凯特琳说,我本来是想歌颂你的美貌哪。
  An homage to your beauty. In truth, I was made to sing for kings and high lords. 说实话,我这嗓子生来就是要唱歌给国王和大老爷听的。
  Oh, I can see that, Catelyn said. Lord Tully is fond of song, I hear. No doubt you've been to Riverrun. 噢,看得出来,凯特琳道,据说徒利家老爷爱听音乐,想必你一定到过奔流城吧?
  A hundred times, the singer said airily. They keep a chamber for me, and the young lord is like a brother. 去过不知多少次了哪,歌手轻飘飘地说,他们还专门帮我备了一间客房,我和他家少爷熟得跟哥们儿一样。
  Catelyn smiled, wondering what Edmure would think of that. Another singer had once bedded a girl her brother fancied;  凯特琳微笑,心想不知艾德慕听了会作何反应?她弟弟自从喜欢的女孩子被一个歌手给睡了之后,
  he had hated the breed ever since. And Winterfell? she asked him. Have you traveled north? 他对这个行业便痛恨至今。那临冬城呢?她又问,你去过北方吗?
  Why would I?Marillion asked. It's all blizzards and bearskins up there, and the Starks know no music but the howling of wolves.  我去那儿做什么?马瑞里安反问,那里冰雪满天飞,出个门都裹得厚厚的,而且史塔克家的人哪懂什么音乐?
  Distantly, she was aware of the door banging open at the far end of the room. 他们只爱听狼嚎罢了。这时她隐约听见房间远端传来开门的声音。
  Innkeep, a servant's voice called out behind her, we have horses that want stabling, and my lord of Lannister requires a room and a hot bath. 老板,一个随从的声音从她身后传来,找个人帮我们喂马,我们家兰尼斯特大人要房间和洗热水澡。
  Oh, gods, Ser Rodrik said before Catelyn reached out to silence him, her fingers tightening hard around his forearm. 诸神在上。罗德利克道,凯特琳急忙伸手制止他,她的手指紧紧攫住他的前臂。
  Masha Heddle was bowing and smiling her hideous red smile. I'm sorry, m'lord, truly, we're full up, every room. 玛莎·海德露出那招牌式的可怖的腥红微笑,忙着打躬作揖。大人,真对不住,可咱们真的客满了。