冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第387期:第二十三章 艾德(28)(在线收听

   Did she dare take the risk? There was no time to think it through, only the moment and the sound of her own voice ringing in her ears.  她真要冒险吗?没有时间仔细思量,机会转瞬即逝。她只听见自己的声音在耳际回荡。

  You in the corner, she said to an older man she had not noticed until now.  坐在角落那位先生,她先前没注意到这位年纪较长的人。
  Is that the black bat of Harrenhal I see embroidered on your surcoat, ser? 您外衣上绣的可是赫伦堡的黑蝙蝠?
  The man got to his feet. It is, my lady. 那人连忙起身答道:是的,夫人。
  And is Lady Whent a true and honest friend to my father, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun? 家父是奔流城的霍斯特?徒利,敢问河安夫人是不是他忠实的盟友?
  She is, the man replied stoutly. 她当然是。那人坚定地回答。
  Ser Rodrik rose quietly and loosened his sword in its scabbard.  罗德利克爵士静静地站起来,抽出鞘里的剑。
  The dwarf was blinking at them, blank-faced, with puzzlement in his mismatched eyes. 侏儒眨着眼睛,一脸茫然,两只大小不一的眼睛里闪着迷惑。
  The red stallion was ever a welcome sight in Riverrun, she said to the trio by the fire.  红色骏马纹章向来受奔流城欢迎礼遇,她对火炉边的三人说,
  My father counts Jonos Bracken among his oldest and most loyal bannermen. 家父将裘诺斯布雷肯伯爵视为追随他最久也最忠心耿耿的封臣。
  The three men-at-arms exchanged uncertain looks. Our lord is honored by his trust, one of them said hesitantly. 三位士兵交换着不太确定的眼神。我们家大人感激令尊的信任。
  I envy your father all these fine friends, Lannister quipped, but I do not quite see the purpose of this, Lady Stark. 我羡慕令尊有这么多好朋友,兰尼斯特讥讽地说,但史塔克夫人,我不明白您这么做有何目的。
  She ignored him, turning to the large party in blue and grey. They were the heart of the matter;  她没理会他,径自转向那群穿灰蓝衣服的人。这二十多个人才是关键所在。
  there were more than twenty of them. I know your sigil as well: the twin towers of Frey. How fares your good lord, sers? 佛雷家的双塔标志我也很熟悉,诸位爵士先生,不知你们家主人近来可好?
  Their captain rose. Lord Walder is well, my lady.  他们的领队站起来。夫人,瓦德大人他很好。
  He plans to take a new wife on his ninetieth name day, and has asked your lord father to honor the wedding with his presence. 他打算在九十岁命名日那天迎娶新夫人,希望有幸可以请到令尊大人到场增光。