冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第388期:第二十三章 艾德(29)(在线收听

   Tyrion Lannister sniggered. That was when Catelyn knew he was hers.  提利昂·兰尼斯特听了不禁偷笑,然而这时凯特琳已然确定他逃不掉了。

  This man came a guest into my house, and there conspired to murder my son, a boy of seven, she proclaimed to the room at large, pointing.  此人以客人的身份来到我家,意图谋害我七岁的儿子。她指给全场的人看。
  Ser Rodrik moved to her side, his sword in hand.  罗德利克爵士提着剑走到她身边。
  In the name of King Robert and the good lords you serve,I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the king's justice. 以劳勃国王和诸位侍奉的贵族大人之名,我请求你们将他绳之以法,并协助我将他送至临冬城,听候国王律法发落。
  She did not know what was more satisfying: the sound of a dozen swords drawn as one or the look on Tyrion Lannister's face. 一时之间,凯特琳不知道究竟是十数支长剑齐声出鞘的声音比较悦耳,还是当下提利昂·兰尼斯特脸上的表情更教人痛快?!