冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第389期:第二十三章 艾德(30)(在线收听

   Sansa rode to the Hand's tourney with Septa Mordane and Jeyne Poole, in a litter with curtains of yellow silk so fine she could see right through them.  珊莎与茉丹修女和珍妮·普尔乘着轿子前往首相的比武大会。轿子的帘幕是用黄丝织成,做工极为精细,她可以直接透过帘幕,看到远方。

  They turned the whole world gold.  而帘幕把外面的世界染成了一片金黄。
  Beyond the city walls, a hundred pavilions had been raised beside the river, and the common folk came out in the thousands to watch the games. 城墙外,河岸边,百余座帐篷已然搭起,数以千计的平民百姓前来观赏。
  The splendor of it all took Sansa's breath away; the shining armor,  比武大会的壮观教珊莎看得喘不过气:闪亮的铠甲,
  the great chargers caparisoned in silver and gold, the shouts of the crowd, the banners snapping in the wind and the knights themselves, the knights most of all. 披金挂银的高大战马,群众的高声吆喝,风中飘荡的鲜明旗帜…还有那些骑士,尤其是那些骑士。
  It is better than the songs, she whispered when they found the places that her father had promised her, among the high lords and ladies.  这比歌谣里唱的还棒。当她们在列席的领主和贵妇们中间找到父亲安排的座位时,她不禁轻声说。
  Sansa was dressed beautifully that day, in a green gown that brought out the auburn of her hair, and she knew they were looking at her and smiling. 这天珊莎穿了一件绿色礼服,正好衬出她棕红色的头发,漂亮极了。她自知众人看着她的眼神里漾满笑意。
  They watched the heroes of a hundred songs ride forth, each more fabulous than the last.  她们看着千百条歌谣里描述的英雄跃然眼前,一个比一个英姿焕发。
  The seven knights of the Kingsguard took the field, all but Jaime Lannister in scaled armor the color of milk, their cloaks as white as freshfallen snow.  御林七铁卫是全场焦点,除了詹姆·兰尼斯特,他们全都身着牛奶色的鳞甲,披风洁白犹如初雪。
  Ser Jaime wore the white cloak as well, but beneath it he was shining gold from head to foot, with a lion's-head helm and a golden sword.  詹姆爵士也穿了白披风,但他从头到脚金光闪闪,还有一顶狮头盔和黄金宝剑。
  Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain That Rides, thundered past them like an avalanche.  外号魔山的格雷果·克里冈爵士以山崩之势轰隆隆地经过他们面前。
  Sansa remembered Lord Yohn Royce, who had guested at Winterfell two years before.  珊莎还记得约恩·罗伊斯伯爵,他两年前到过临冬城作客。
  His armor is bronze, thousands and thousands of years old, engraved with magic runes that ward him against harm, she whispered to Jeyne.  他的铠甲是青铜做的,有好几千年的历史,上面刻了魔法符咒,保护他不受伤害。
  Septa Mordane pointed out Lord Jason Mallister, in indigo chased with silver, the wings of an eagle on his helm.  她悄悄对珍妮说。茉丹修女在人群中指出一身蓝紫滚银边披风,头戴一顶鹰翼盔的杰森·梅利斯特伯爵给她们看。
  He had cut down three of Rhaegar's bannermen on the Trident.  当年在三叉戟河上他一人就斩了雷加手下三名诸侯。
  The girls giggled over the warrior priest Thoros of Myr, with his flapping red robes and shaven head,  女孩们看到密尔的战僧索罗斯是个大光头,一身宽松红袍在风中拍动不休,不禁咯咯直笑,
  until the septa told them that he had once scaled the walls of Pyke with a flaming sword in hand. 直到修女告诉她们他曾手持冒火长剑,独自攻上派克城墙,她们方才止住。