冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第390期:第二十四章 珊莎(1)(在线收听

   Other riders Sansa did not know; hedge knights from the Fingers and Highgarden and the mountains of Dorne, unsung freeriders and new-made squires,  除此而外,还有许多珊莎不认得的人,有从五指半岛、高庭和多恩领来的雇佣骑士,有歌谣里并未提及的自由骑手和新上任的侍从,

  the younger sons of high lords and the heirs of lesser houses.  也有出身世家但排行居末的贵族少爷,或是地方诸侯的继承人。
  Younger men, most had done no great deeds as yet, but Sansa and Jeyne agreed that one day the Seven Kingdoms would resound to the sound of their names.  这些年轻人多半尚未建立显赫功勋,但珊莎和珍妮相信有朝一日他们的名字定将传遍七大王国。
  Ser Balon Swann. Lord Bryce Caron of the Marches.  他们中包括巴隆·史文爵士;边疆地的布莱斯·卡伦伯爵;
  Bronze Yohn's heir, Ser Andar Royce, and his younger brother Ser Robar, their silvered steel plate filigreed in bronze with the same ancient runes that warded their father.  青铜约恩的继承人安达·罗伊斯爵士和他的弟弟罗拔爵士,他们的铠甲外面镀银,刻着和父亲一样的青铜保护符咒;
  The twins Ser Horas and Ser Hobber, whose shields displayed the grape cluster sigil of the Redwynes, burgundy on blue. Patrek Mallister, Lord Jason's son.  雷德温家的双胞胎兄弟霍拉斯爵士和霍柏爵士,他们盾牌上标志着蓝底酒红色的葡萄串纹章;派崔克·梅利斯特,杰森伯爵的儿子;
  Six Freys of the Crossing:  来自河渡口的杰瑞爵士、
  Ser Jared, Ser Hosteen, Ser Danwell, Ser Emmon, Ser Theo, Ser Perwyn, sons and grandsons of old Lord Walder Frey, and his bastard son Martyn Rivers as well. 霍斯丁爵士、丹威尔爵士、艾蒙爵士、席奥爵士、派温爵士等六个佛雷家代表,通通都是老侯爵瓦德·佛雷的儿孙,连他的私生子马丁·河文也来了。
  Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho,  珍妮·普尔承认她被贾拉巴·梭尔给吓着了,
  an exile prince from the Summer Isles who wore a cape of green and scarlet feathers over skin as dark as night,  他是个遭到放逐的王子,来自盛夏群岛,穿着红绿交织的羽毛披风,皮肤漆黑如夜。
  but when she saw young Lord Beric Dondarrion, with his hair like red gold and his black shield slashed by lightning, she pronounced herself willing to marry him on the instant. 但当她看到一头红金头发,黑盾牌上画着闪电的贝里·唐德利恩伯爵时,又宣布自己当下就愿意嫁给他。