冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第391期:第二十四章 珊莎(2)(在线收听

   The Hound entered the lists as well, and so too the king's brother, handsome Lord Renly of Storm's End.  猎狗也在队列之中,还有国王的弟弟,英俊的风息堡公爵蓝礼。

  Jory, Alyn, and Harwin rode for Winterfell and the north.  乔里、埃林和哈尔温是临冬城和北境的代表。
  Jory looks a beggar among these others,Septa Mordane sniffed when he appeared.  跟别人比起来,乔里就像个乞丐。他出现时茉丹修女嗤之以鼻,
  Sansa could only agree.  而珊莎不得不同意这句评价。
  Jory's armor was blue-grey plate without device or ornament, and a thin grey cloak hung from his shoulders like a soiled rag.  乔里穿着灰蓝色的盔甲,上面没有任何纹章或雕饰,肩头薄薄的灰披风活像件脏兮兮的破布。
  Yet he acquitted himself well, unhorsing Horas Redwyne in his first joust and one of the Freys in his second.  虽然如此,他依旧表现不俗,头一遭上场便将霍拉斯·雷德温刺下马,第二回合又打落一个佛雷家的骑士,
  In his third match, he rode three passes at a freerider named Lothor Brune whose armor was as drab as his own.  第三次时他与一个盔甲和他同样单调,名叫罗索·布伦的流浪武士三番交手,双方都没能将对手刺落,
  Neither man lost his seat, but Brune's lance was steadier and his blows better placed, and the king gave him the victory.  但布伦持枪较稳,击中的地方也比较精准,所以国王宣告他胜利。
  Alyn and Harwin fared less well; Harwin was unhorsed in his first tilt by Ser Meryn of the Kingsguard, while Alyn fell to Ser Balon Swann. 埃林和哈尔温就没这么抢眼了,哈尔温第一次上场就被御林铁卫的马林爵士一枪挑下马,埃林则败在巴隆·史文爵士枪下。
  The jousting went all day and into the dusk, the hooves of the great warhorses pounding down the lists until the field was a ragged wasteland of torn earth.  马上长枪比武进行了一整天,直到黄昏。战马蹄声轰隆,把比武场的土地践踏成一片破败不堪的荒原。
  A dozen times Jeyne and Sansa cried out in unison as riders crashed together, lances exploding into splinters while the commons screamed for their favorites.  有好几次,珍妮和珊莎眼见骑士相互冲撞,长枪迸裂粉碎,群众高声尖叫,都忍不住齐声为支持者呐喊。
  Jeyne covered her eyes whenever a man fell, like a frightened little girl, but Sansa was made of sterner stuff.  每当有人坠马,珍妮就像个受惊的小女孩般遮住眼睛,可珊莎认为自己胆子比较大,
  A great lady knew how to behave at tournaments. 官家小姐就应该在比武大会上表现出应有的风范。
  Even Septa Mordane noted her composure and nodded in approval. 连茉丹修女都注意到她仪态从容,因而点头称许。