冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第394期:第二十四章 珊莎(5)(在线收听

   Later a hedge knight in a checkered cloak disgraced himself by killing Beric Dondarrion's horse,and was declared forfeit.  稍后,一位穿格纹披风的雇佣骑士不小心杀了贝里·唐德利恩的坐骑,被判出局。

  Lord Beric shifted his saddle to a new mount,  贝里伯爵换了匹马,
  only to be knocked right off it by Thoros of Myr.Ser Aron Santagar and Lothor Brune tilted thrice without result;  随即被密尔的索罗斯打了下来。艾伦·桑塔加爵士和罗索·布伦交手三次均难分轩轾,连国王也无法判定,
  Ser Aron fell afterward to Lord Jason Mallister, and Brune to Yohn Royce's younger son, Robar. 艾伦爵士后来被杰森·梅利斯特伯爵击败,布伦则输给约恩·罗伊斯的年轻儿子罗拔。
  In the end it came down to four; the Hound and his monstrous brother Gregor, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer,  最后场内只剩下四人:"猎狗"和他的怪物哥哥格雷果,弑君者詹姆·兰尼斯特,
  and Ser Loras Tyrell, the youth they called the Knight of Flowers. 以及有"百花骑士"之誉的少年洛拉斯·提利尔爵士。
  Ser Loras was the youngest son of Mace Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden and Warden of the South.  洛拉斯爵士是高庭公爵和南境守护梅斯·提利尔的小儿子,
  At sixteen, he was the youngest rider on the field, yet he had unhorsed three knights of the Kingsguard that morning in his first three jousts.  年方十六,是场上年纪最小的骑士,然而当天早上他三进三出,便击败了三个御林铁卫。
  Sansa had never seen anyone so beautiful.  珊莎从未见过如此俊美的人儿。
  His plate was intricately fashioned and enameled as a bouquet of a thousand different flowers, and his snow-white stallion was draped in a blanket of red and white roses.  他的铠甲经过精心雕琢,上面的瓷釉包含着千束不同的花朵,他的雪白坐骑则覆以红毛毯和白玫瑰。
  After each victory, Ser Loras would remove his helm and ride slowly round the fence,  每次得胜,洛拉斯爵士便会摘下头盔,从红毯上取下一朵白玫瑰,
  and finally pluck a single white rose from the blanket and toss it to some fair maiden in the crowd. 抛给群众里的某位美丽姑娘。
  His last match of the day was against the younger Royce.  当天他最后一场决斗对上了罗伊斯兄弟里的弟弟。
  Ser Robar's ancestral runes proved small protection as Ser Loras split his shield and drove him from his saddle to crash with an awful clangor in the dirt.  罗拔爵士的家传符咒似乎也抵挡不了洛拉斯爵士的英勇,百花骑士把他的盾牌刺成两半,将他打下马鞍,轰地一声惨摔在泥地上。
  Robar lay moaning as the victor made his circuit of the field.  罗拔躺在地上呻吟,胜利者则绕场接受欢呼。