冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第398期:第二十四章 珊莎(9)(在线收听

   And Joffrey was the soul of courtesy.  至于乔佛里,更是集所有礼数于一身。

  He talked to Sansa all night, showering her with compliments, making her laugh, sharing little bits of court gossip, explaining Moon Boy's japes.  他整晚陪珊莎聊天,赞美之词一句接一句,逗她笑个不停,此外他还和她分享宫廷里的琐碎闲话,向她解释月童的笑话等等。
  Sansa was so captivated that she quite forgot all her courtesies and ignored Septa Mordane, seated to her left. 珊莎只觉得心中犹如小鹿乱撞,便把自己所有的礼仪,外加坐在她左边的茉丹修女都忘得一干二净。
  All the while the courses came and went. A thick soup of barley and venison.  与此同时,菜肴一道道送上端下,有浓稠的大麦鹿肉汤、
  Salads of sweetgrass and spinach and plums, sprinkled with crushed nuts. Snails in honey and garlic. 洒上坚果碎片的凉拌甜菜、菠菜和李子沙拉,还有蜂蜜大蒜煮蜗牛。
  Sansa had never eaten snails before; Joffrey showed her how to get the snail out of the shell, and fed her the first sweet morsel himself.  珊莎没吃过蜗牛,乔佛里便教她如何从蜗牛壳里挖出肉,并且亲自喂她吃了甜美的第一口。
  Then came trout fresh from the river, baked in clay; her prince helped her crack open the hard casing to expose the flaky white flesh within.  接着是刚从河中捕来、封在黏土里的烤鳟鱼。她的王子帮她撬开覆盖在外的坚硬泥土,露出里面的白嫩鱼片。
  And when the meat course was brought out, he served her himself, slicing a queen's portion from the joint, smiling as he laid it on her plate.  等肉食端上之后,他还亲自为她服务,从王后才配享有的部位切下一块,笑眯眯地放进她的餐盘。
  She could see from the way he moved that his right arm was still troubling him, yet he uttered not a word of complaint. 从他动作的方式她看得出他的右手仍旧困扰着他,但他没有半句怨言。
  Later came sweetbreads and pigeon pie and baked apples fragrant with cinnamon and lemon cakes frosted in sugar,  之后又上了甜面包、鸽肉馅饼、散发肉桂香气的烤苹果、洒满糖霜的柠檬蛋糕,
  but by then Sansa was so stuffed that she could not manage more than two little lemon cakes, as much as she loved them.  可珊莎已经吃得太饱,勉强撑下两个小柠檬蛋糕后就再也吃不下了。
  She was wondering whether she might attempt a third when the king began to shout. 正当她考虑有没有办法再吃第三个时,国王咆哮了起来。
  King Robert had grown louder with each course.  劳勃国王的声音随着每道菜的端上越来越大。
  From time to time Sansa could hear him laughing or roaring a command over the music and the clangor of plates and cutlery,  珊莎不时能听见他放声大笑或以盖过音乐和餐具碰撞声的音量发号施令,
  but they were too far away for her to make out his words. 但他们距他太远,听不出他说些什么。