冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第401期:第二十四章 珊莎(12)(在线收听

   The Hound snatched up a torch to light their way. Sansa followed close beside him.  猎狗抓起一只火把,权作照明,珊莎紧紧跟在他旁边。

  The ground was rocky and uneven; the flickering light made it seem to shift and move beneath her.  地面崎岖不平,岩石密布,被摇曳的火光一照,仿佛在她脚下晃动。
  She kept her eyes lowered, watching where she placed her feet.  她低垂视线,仔细看清,方才落脚。
  They walked among the pavilions, each with its banner and its armor hung outside, the silence weighing heavier with every step.  他们穿梭于营帐之间,每一间帐篷外都挂着不同的旗帜和盔甲。慢慢地,四周的宁静随着踏出的每一步而越显沉重。
  Sansa could not bear the sight of him, he frightened her so, yet she had been raised in all the ways of courtesy.  珊莎连看都不敢看他,他把她吓死了,只是她从小便被教导种种礼仪,
  A true lady would not notice his face, she told herself.  而真正的淑女不会光注意他的脸的,她这么告诉自己。
  You rode gallantly today, Ser Sandor, she made herself say. 桑铎爵士,您今天的表现英勇极了。她勉强自己说。
  Sandor Clegane snarled at her. Spare me your empty little compliments, girl...and your ser's.  桑铎·克里冈对她咆哮:小妹妹,少拍我马屁…更不要开口爵士闭口爵士。
  I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight. Did you see him ride today? 我不是骑士,我瞧不起他们和他们的狗屁誓言。我老哥是骑士,你看他今天什么德行?
  Yes, Sansa whispered, trembling. He was... 是的,珊莎颤抖着小声说,他很…
  Gallant? the Hound finished. 很英勇?猎狗替她说完。
  He was mocking her, she realized. No one could withstand him, she managed at last, proud of herself. It was no lie. 她明白他在讽刺他。没人挡得住他。最后她说,颇感自豪,毕竟这不是谎话。
  Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field.  桑铎·克里冈突然在一片黑暗空旷的平地中央停下脚步。
  She had no choice but to stop beside him.  她没办法,只好也跟着停下来。
  Some septa trained you well.  我看这修女把你训练得不错。
  You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you?  你跟那种盛夏群岛来的小鸟没差别,是不是?
  A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite. 会说话的漂亮小小鸟,人家教你什么漂亮话你就照着念。
  That's unkind. Sansa could feel her heart fluttering in her chest.  这样说太不厚道了。珊莎的心狂跳不休。
  You're frightening me.  你吓到我了,
  I want to go now. 我要走了。