冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第403期:第二十四章 珊莎(14)(在线收听

   His ear had been burned away; there was nothing left but a hole.  耳朵整块烧蚀,只剩下一个洞。

  His eye was still good, but all around it was a twisted mass of scar, slick black flesh hard as leather,  眼睛虽没瞎,但周围全是大块扭曲的疮疤,光滑的黑皮肤硬得跟皮革一样,
  pocked with craters and fissured by deep cracks that gleamed red and wet when he moved.  其上布满了麻点和坑凹,以及一道道扯动就现出润红的裂缝。
  Down by his jaw, you could see a hint of bone where the flesh had been seared away. 他下巴被烧焦的部分,则隐约可以见骨。
  Sansa began to cry. He let go of her then, and snuffed out the torch in the dirt.  珊莎哭了起来。这时他才放开她,然后在泥地上按熄火把。
  No pretty words for that, girl? No little compliment the septa taught you? 没漂亮话说啦,小妹妹?修女没教你怎么赞美啊?
  When there was no answer, he continued.  眼看她不回答,他又继续,
  Most of them, they think it was some battle.  大多数人以为这是打仗来的,
  A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath. 围城战,燃烧的攻城塔,或是拿火把的敌人所留下,还有个白痴问我是不是被龙息喷到。
  His laugh was softer this time, but just as bitter.  这回他的笑比较缓和,却苦涩依然。
  I'll tell you what it was, girl,he said, a voice from the night, a shadow leaning so close now that she could smell the sour stench of wine on his breath.  小妹妹,让我告诉你这伤是怎么来的吧。他的声音从黑夜中传来,巨大的暗影离她如此之近,她甚至能闻到他呼吸中的酒臭。
  I was younger than you, six, maybe seven.  当时我年纪比你还小,大概才六七岁,
  A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my father's keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts.  有个木雕师傅在我家城堡外的村落里开了家店,为讨好我爸,他送了点礼物给我们。
  The old man made marvelous toys. I don't remember what I got, but it was Gregor's gift I wanted.  这老头做玩具的功夫一流。我不记得自己收到了什么,但我想要的是格雷果的礼物。
  A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight.  那是个木雕骑士,颜色涂得漂漂亮亮,每个关节都分开来,钉了钉子绑了线,你可以操纵他打架。
  Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox.  格雷果大我五岁,当时已经当上了侍从,身高接近六尺,壮得像头牛,早就不玩玩具了。