冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第406期:第二十四章 艾德(2)(在线收听

   This was needless. War should not be a game.  他根本不该送命。战争岂是儿戏?

  Ned turned to the woman beside the cart, shrouded in grey, face hidden but for her eyes.  奈德转身面对站在推车边的灰衣女人,她全身上下包裹得严严实实,脸上只露出眼睛。
  The silent sisters prepared men for the grave, and it was ill fortune to look on the face of death.  静默姐妹专门处理死者后事,而见着死亡的面容是不吉利的事。
  Send his armor home to the Vale.  把他的盔甲也送回艾林谷家里去,
  The mother will want to have it. 让母亲留作纪念吧。
  It is worth a fair piece of silver, Ser Barristan said. The boy had it forged special for the tourney.  这东西值不少钱,巴利斯坦爵士道,这孩子是特别为了比武会订做的。
  Plain work, but good.  不花俏,但实在,
  I do not know if he had finished paying the smith. 不知道他付清铁匠的钱没有。
  He paid yesterday, my lord, and he paid dearly, Ned replied. And to the silent sister he said, Send the mother the armor.  他昨天已经付出惨痛的代价了。奈德回答,接着他对静默姐妹说,把盔甲送给他母亲。
  I will deal with this smith. She bowed her head. 铁匠这边我会处理。她点点头。
  Afterward Ser Barristan walked with Ned to the king's pavilion.  随后巴利斯坦爵士陪着奈德走向国王的帐篷。
  The camp was beginning to stir.  营地正在恢复生气,
  Fat sausages sizzled and spit over firepits, spicing the air with the scents of garlic and pepper.  肥美的烤香肠在火堆上嘶嘶作响,滴着油汁,空气中充满蒜头和胡椒的香味。
  Young squires hurried about on errands as their masters woke, yawning and stretching, to meet the day.  年轻侍从跑来跑去,而他们的主子刚刚睡醒,打着呵欠伸着懒腰,准备迎接新的一天。
  A serving man with a goose under his arm bent his knee when he caught sight of them.  一个腋下夹了只鹅的厨子看见他们赶忙单膝跪下。
  M'lords, he muttered as the goose honked and pecked at his fingers.  大人您们早。他喃喃道,鹅嘎嘎叫着啄他手指。
  The shields displayed outside each tent heralded its occupant:  陈列在每个帐篷外的盾牌刻画着居住其中的贵族家徽,
  the silver eagle of Seagard, Bryce Caron's field of nightingales, a cluster of grapes for the Redwynes, brindled boar, red ox,  有海疆城的银色飞鹰,布莱斯·卡伦的夜莺与田野,雷德温家族的葡萄串,还有花斑野猪、红色公牛、
  burning tree, white ram, triple spiral, purple unicorn, dancing maiden, blackadder, twin towers, horned owl,  燃烧之树、白色公羊、三重螺旋、紫色独角兽、跳舞少女、黑蛇、双塔、长角猫头鹰,
  and last the pure white blazons of the Kingsguard, shining like the dawn. 最后是御林铁卫如黎明般闪亮的纯白纹章