冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第407期:第二十四章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   The king means to fight in the melee today, Ser Barristan said as they were passing Ser Meryn's shield,  国王打算今天参加团体比武,他们经过马林爵士的盾牌时,巴利斯坦说。

  its paint sullied by a deep gash where Loras Tyrell's lance had scarred the wood as he drove him from his saddle. 盾牌上的漆被刮了深深的一划,正是昨天洛拉斯·提利尔将他刺下马时留的印记。
  Yes, Ned said grimly. Jory had woken him last night to bring him that news. Small wonder he had slept so badly. 是啊。奈德表情凝重地说。乔里昨天夜里把他叫醒,向他通报了这个消息,难怪他睡不好。
  Ser Barristan's look was troubled. They say night's beauties fade at dawn, and the children of wine are oft disowned in the morning light. 巴利斯坦爵士一脸愁容。俗话说天亮后黑夜的美要消散,酒醒后说过的话就不算。
  They say so, Ned agreed, but not of Robert. Other men might reconsider words spoken in drunken bravado,  话是这么说,奈德同意,但对劳勃没用。换做其他人,或许还会重新考虑酒后许下的豪言壮语,
  but Robert Baratheon would remember and, remembering, would never back down. 可劳勃·拜拉席恩会记得牢牢的,而且绝不反悔。
  The king's pavilion was close by the water, and the morning mists off the river had wreathed it in wisps of grey.  国王的营帐靠近水滨,包围在灰色的河面晨雾里。
  It was all of golden silk, the largest and grandest structure in the camp.  帐篷用金丝织成,乃是整个营地里最大也最华丽的建筑。
  Outside the entrance, Robert's warhammer was displayed beside an immense iron shield blazoned with the crowned stag of House Baratheon. 劳勃的战锤和一面巨大的铁盾放在入口外,盾牌上纹饰着拜拉席恩家族的宝冠雄鹿。
  Ned had hoped to discover the king still abed in a wine-soaked sleep, but luck was not with him.  奈德原本希望国王宿醉未醒,一切便迎刃而解,可惜他们运气不好,
  They found Robert drinking beer from a polished horn and roaring his displeasure at two young squires who were trying to buckle him into his armor.  正碰上用光滑角制酒杯喝啤酒的劳勃,他还一边对两个手忙脚乱替他穿铠甲的年轻侍从大呼小叫。
  Your Grace, one was saying, almost in tears, it's made too small, it won't go.  国王陛下,其中一个眼泪都快掉下来了。这铠甲太小,穿不上的。
  He fumbled, and the gorget he was trying to fit around Robert's thick neck tumbled to the ground. 他手一滑,原本正试着要套进劳勃粗脖子的颈甲便摔到地上。