冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第409期:第二十四章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   Ser Barristan Selmy chuckled with him. Even Eddard Stark managed a smile.  巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士跟着呵呵笑了,就连艾德·史塔克也露出了微笑。

  Always, though, the graver thoughts crept in. He could not help taking note of the two squires: handsome boys, fair and well made.  然而,他没法不在意那两个侍僮:他们都是漂亮小伙子,皮肤白晰,体态匀称。
  One was Sansa's age, with long golden curls;  生着金色卷发的那个年纪和珊莎差不多,
  the other perhaps fifteen, sandy-haired, with a wisp of a mustache and the emerald-green eyes of the queen. 另外那个约莫十五,黄棕色头发,一点小胡子,有着和王后一样的翡翠绿眸。
  Ah, I wish I could be there to see Santagar's face, Robert said.  啊,我真想瞧瞧桑塔加听了脸上是什么表情。劳勃道,
  I hope he'll have the wit to send them to someone else. We ought to keep them running all day! 他如果有点脑子,就会支他们去找别人。我们就让他俩成天跑个没完!
  Those boys, Ned asked him. Lannisters? 这两个小伙子,奈德问他,是兰尼斯特家的人?
  Robert nodded, wiping tears from his eyes.  劳勃点头,一边擦掉笑出的眼泪。
  Cousins. Sons of Lord Tywin's brother.  她的两个堂弟,
  One of the dead ones. Or perhaps the live one, now that I come to think on it.  泰温大人他老弟的儿子,那些个死掉的老弟,我想想,又好像是活着的那个,
  I don't recall. My wife comes from a very large family, Ned. 我不记得了。奈德,我老婆来自一个很大的家族。
  A very ambitious family, Ned thought. He had nothing against the squires,  也是一个野心勃勃的家族,奈德心想。他对这两个侍从本身并无意见,
  but it troubled him to see Robert surrounded by the queen's kin, waking and sleeping.  但看到劳勃身边日夜都是王后的亲戚,却不免担心。
  The Lannister appetite for offices and honors seemed to know no bounds.  兰尼斯特家对权位和荣耀真是贪得无厌。
  The talk is you and the queen had angry words last night. 听说您昨晚和王后闹不愉快了?
  The mirth curdled on Robert's face.  劳勃脸上的欢乐顿时结冻。
  The woman tried to forbid me to fight in the melee.  那死女人想阻止我参加今天的团体比武,
  She's sulking in the castle now, damn her. 这会儿她还窝在城堡里生闷气,气死算了。
  Your sister would never have shamed me like that. 你妹妹绝不会这样羞辱我。