冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第411期:第二十四章 艾德(7)(在线收听

   For a certainty, Ned said, and Ser Barristan Selmy bowed his head in silent accord. 可想而知。奈德道。巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士静静地点头同意。

  For a moment Robert was so angry he could not speak.  有好一阵子,劳勃气得说不出话。
  He strode across the tent, whirled, strode back, his face dark and angry.  他从帐篷的这边走到那边,旋身,又走回来,一脸阴沉的怒气。
  He snatched up his breastplate from the ground and threw it at Barristan Selmy in a wordless fury. Selmy dodged.  随即他从地上抓起胸甲,气冲冲地朝巴利斯坦掷去。赛尔弥躲开了。
  Get out, the king said then, coldly.  出去,这时国王才冷冷地发话,
  Get out before I kill you. 免得我宰了你。
  Ser Barristan left quickly. Ned was about to follow when the king called out again. Not you, Ned. 巴利斯坦爵士立刻离开,奈德正准备跟进,国王却又叫道:奈德,你不用走。
  Ned turned back. Robert took up his horn again, filled it with beer from a barrel in the corner, and thrust it at Ned. Drink, he said brusquely. 奈德转身,只见劳勃再度拿起他的角杯,从角落里的酒桶装满啤酒,然后塞给奈德。喝吧。他唐突地说。
  I've no thirst... 我不渴—
  Drink. Your king commands it. 快喝。这是国王的命令。
  Ned took the horn and drank. The beer was black and thick, so strong it stung the eyes. 于是奈德接过角杯喝了下去,啤酒又黑又浓,浓烈得令眼睛刺痛。
  Robert sat down again. Damn you, Ned Stark. You and Jon Arryn, I loved you both. What have you done to me? You were the one should have been king, you or Jon. 劳勃又坐下来。去你的,奈德·史塔克。你和琼恩·艾林,我这么爱你们,结果你们是怎么对我的?你或琼恩才应该来当国王。
  You had the better claim, Your Grace. 陛下,您名正言顺,最有资格称王。
  I told you to drink, not to argue.  我叫你喝酒,没叫你顶嘴。
  You made me king, you could at least have the courtesy to listen when I talk, damn you.  妈的,你既然让我做了国王,好歹我说话的时候专心听行吧。
  Look at me, Ned. Look at what kinging has done to me.  奈德,你看看我,看看我当了国王之后变成什么样子。
  Gods, too fat for my armor, how did it ever come to this? 诸神在上,我竟然胖得穿不下自己的铠甲,怎么会搞成这样?
  Robert? 劳勃…