冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第413期:第二十四章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   He's only a boy, Ned said awkwardly. He had small liking for Prince Joffrey, but he could hear the pain in Robert's voice.  他还是个孩子,奈德尴尬地说。他自己也不喜欢乔佛里王子,但他听得出劳勃语中的痛苦。

  Have you forgotten how wild you were at his age? 您忘了,我们在他这年纪有多野?
  It would not trouble me if the boy was wild, Ned.  奈德,他要真是野,我就不担心了。
  You don't know him as I do.  你没我了解他。
  He sighed and shook his head. Ah, perhaps you are right.  他叹口气,然后摇摇头,啊,或许你说得对,
  Jon despaired of me often enough, yet I grew into a good king.  虽然琼恩常对我绝望,我终究是成了个好国王。
  Robert looked at Ned and scowled at his silence.  劳勃看奈德不发话,皱了皱眉头。
  You might speak up and agree now, you know. 这种时候你该出声附和。
  Your Grace...Ned began, carefully. 国王陛下…奈德谨慎地开口。
  Robert slapped Ned on the back. Ah, say that I'm a better king than Aerys and be done with it.  劳勃拍拍奈德的背。啊,你就说我跟伊里斯比起来是个好国王不就结了?
  You never could lie for love nor honor, Ned Stark.  奈德·史塔克,我知道你没办法说谎,不管是为了爱还是为了荣誉。
  I'm still young, and now that you're here with me, things will be different.  反正我还年轻,如今又有你辅佐,一切都会改观的。
  We'll make this a reign to sing of, and damn the Lannisters to seven hells.  咱们一起来创造让后世歌颂的太平盛世,然后把兰尼斯特家的人通通打下第七层地狱。
  I smell bacon. Who do you think our champion will be today?  我闻到了培根的味道。你觉得今天的冠军会是谁?
  Have you seen Mace Tyrell's boy? The Knight of Flowers, they call him.  你见到梅斯·提利尔的孩子了吗?大家都叫他百花骑士,
  Now there's a son any man would be proud to own to.  有这种儿子谁都会骄傲。
  Last tourney, he dumped the Kingslayer on his golden rump, you ought to have seen the look on Cersei's face. I laughed till my sides hurt.  上次比武会,他可让'弑君者'的金屁股好好摔了一跤,你真该来瞅瞅瑟曦当时的表情,我笑到肚子痛。
  Renly says he has this sister, a maid of fourteen, lovely as a dawn... 蓝礼说他还有个十四岁的妹妹,漂亮得跟曙光一样…
  They broke their fast on black bread and boiled goose eggs and fish fried up with onions and bacon, at a trestle table by the river's edge.  他们坐在河边的折叠桌前吃早餐,有黑面包,水煮鹅蛋,还有洋葱培根煎鱼。