冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第414期:第二十四章 艾德(10)(在线收听

   The king's melancholy melted away with the morning mist,  国王先前的感伤随晨雾散去,

  and before long Robert was eating an orange and waxing fond about a morning at the Eyrie when they had been boys.  片刻之后,劳勃便一边吃着柑子,一边开心地说起他们在鹰巢城的童年趣事。
  had given Jon a barrel of oranges, remember?  记不记得那个谁送了琼恩一桶这种柑?
  Only the things had gone rotten, so I flung mine across the table and hit Dacks right in the nose.  可是都放烂了,所以我把我那份朝戴克斯扔去,正中他鼻梁。
  You remember, Redfort's pock-faced squire?  你记得吧?就是雷德佛那个麻脸侍从。
  He tossed one back at me, and before Jon could so much as fart, there were oranges flying across the High Hall in every direction.  他也扔了一个过来,结果琼恩连屁都来不及放,整个鹰巢城大厅就柑子满天飞了。
  He laughed uproariously, and even Ned smiled, remembering. 他开怀大笑,奈德想起往事,也不禁微笑。
  This was the boy he had grown up with, he thought; this was the Robert Baratheon he'd known and loved.  这才是那个和他一起长大的男孩,他心想,这才是那个他认识而深爱的劳勃·拜拉席恩。
  If he could prove that the Lannisters were behind the attack on Bran, prove that they had murdered Jon Arryn, this man would listen.  如果他能证实兰尼斯特家是残害布兰的幕后主谋,证实他们是谋杀琼恩·艾林的凶犯,这个人一定会听进去。
  Then Cersei would fall, and the Kingslayer with her, and if Lord Tywin dared to rouse the west,  届时瑟曦必将受到制裁,弑君者也会跟着完蛋,倘若泰温公爵胆敢兴兵作乱,
  Robert would smash him as he had smashed Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident.  劳勃会像当年在三叉戟河上敲碎雷加·坦格利安一样,毫不留情地将他彻底击灭。
  He could see it all so clearly. 他可以清楚地看到这一切。
  That breakfast tasted better than anything Eddard Stark had eaten in a long time, and afterward his smiles came easier and more often,  艾德·史塔克已经很久没有吃过这么愉快的一顿饭,之后他的笑容也变得轻松自如,
  until it was time for the tournament to resume. 直到比武大会继续进行。
  Ned walked with the king to the jousting field. He had promised to watch the final tilts with Sansa;  奈德随同国王走进比武会场。他先前已经答应陪珊莎一起观赏冠军决胜战。
  Septa Mordane was ill today, and his daughter was determined not to miss the end of the jousting.  茉丹修女今天身体不适,而他女儿心意已决,不想错过最后的长枪比试。
  As he saw Robert to his place, he noted that Cersei Lannister had chosen not to appear;  当他护送劳勃到主位坐下时,发现瑟曦·兰尼斯特故意缺席,
  the place beside the king was empty.  国王旁边的座位是空的。
  That too gave Ned cause to hope. 这更增添了他的希望。