冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第415期:第二十四章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   Clegane's point was turned harmlessly against the golden shield with the lion blazon, while his own hit square.  结果克里冈的枪尖被他的狮纹黄金盾毫发无伤地卸开,自己反被刺个正着。

  Wood shattered, and the Hound reeled, fighting to keep his seat. Sansa gasped.  木片四散,猎狗在马背上摇晃,差点跌了下去。珊莎倒抽一口冷气。
  A ragged cheer went up from the commons. 群众里响起一阵粗声的叫好。
  I wonder how I ought spend your money, Littlefinger called down to Lord Renly. 我该想想怎么来花你的钱了。小指头对蓝礼公爵说。
  The Hound just managed to stay in his saddle.  猎狗总算还是稳住身子没掉下去,
  He jerked his mount around hard and rode back to the lists for the second pass.  他猛地勒马转身,骑回场边准备第二回合。
  Jaime Lannister tossed down his broken lance and snatched up a fresh one, jesting with his squire.  詹姆·兰尼斯特抛下断枪,抓起一支新矛,还跟侍从开了个玩笑。
  The Hound spurred forward at a hard gallop. Lannister rode to meet him.  猎狗用力一夹马肚,策骑前奔,兰尼斯特也骑马相迎。
  This time, when Jaime shifted his seat, Sandor Clegane shifted with him.  这回当詹姆挪动身子时,桑铎·克里冈也跟着躯体一侧。
  Both lances exploded, and by the time the splinters had settled, a riderless blood bay was trotting off in search of grass while Ser Jaime Lannister rolled in the dirt,  两枝长枪同时爆裂,但等木片落地,那匹红棕色的马却少了主人,独自跑开去吃草了。詹姆·兰尼斯特爵士在泥地里打滚,
  golden and dented. 金光闪闪,头盔却给打凹。
  Sansa said, I knew the Hound would win. 珊莎说:我就知道猎狗会赢。
  Littlefinger overheard. If you know who's going to win the second match, speak up now before Lord Renly plucks me clean, he called to her. Ned smiled. 这话给小指头听到了。你要是知道第二场的赢家,赶快告诉我,免得蓝礼大人把我拔得一毛不剩。他朝她喊。奈德听了不禁微笑。
  A pity the Imp is not here with us, Lord Renly said. I should have won twice as much. 只可惜小恶魔不在,蓝礼公爵道,不然我还可以多赢一倍。
  Jaime Lannister was back on his feet, but his ornate lion helmet had been twisted around and dented in his fall, and now he could not get it off.  詹姆·兰尼斯特爬了起来,但他装饰繁复的狮头盔被打歪了一边,摔下来的时候又给撞凹了进去,结果他无法把头盔摘下来。
  The commons were hooting and pointing, the lords and ladies were trying to stifle their chuckles, and failing,  观众指指点点,嘘声连连,贵族老爷夫人们也忍不住笑,众声喧哗中,
  and over it all Ned could hear King Robert laughing, louder than anyone.  奈德听得最清楚的便是劳勃国王的阵阵哄笑,比谁都大声。
  Finally they had to lead the Lion of Lannister off to a blacksmith, blind and stumbling. 最后只好派人领着目不视物、跌跌撞撞的兰尼斯特雄狮去找铁匠。