冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第416期:第二十四章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   By then Ser Gregor Clegane was in position at the head of the lists.  这时格雷果·克里冈已经在场边就位。

  He was huge, the biggest man that Eddard Stark had ever seen.  他是艾德·史塔克生平所见最为高大壮硕的人。
  Robert Baratheon and his brothers were all big men, as was the Hound, and back at Winterfell there was a simpleminded stableboy named Hodor who dwarfed them all,  劳勃·拜拉席恩和他两个弟弟块头都不小,"猎狗"也是大个子,临冬城里更有个头脑简单的马僮阿多,比他们还要高出不少,
  but the knight they called the Mountain That Rides would have towered over Hodor.  可跟眼前这个人称"魔山"的骑士比起来,通通都矮了一大截。
  He was well over seven feet tall, closer to eight, with massive shoulders and arms thick as the trunks of small trees.  他高近八尺,肩膀宽厚,手臂粗得像小树干。
  His destrier seemed a pony in between his armored legs, and the lance he carried looked as small as a broom handle. 他的坐骑在他穿护甲的双脚下简直像匹玩具马,手中长枪也仿如扫把棍。
  Unlike his brother, Ser Gregor did not live at court. He was a solitary man who seldom left his own lands, but for wars and tourneys.  格雷果爵士不像他弟弟那样在宫廷生活。他是个独居的人,非遇战事或比武大会,鲜少离开自己的领地。
  He had been with Lord Tywin when King's Landing fell, a new-made knight of seventeen years, even then distinguished by his size and his implacable ferocity.  君临城陷时他跟在泰温公爵身边,年方十七,虽然才刚当上骑士,却已经因为高大的体型和无可匹敌的凶暴而远近驰名。
  Some said it had been Gregor who'd dashed the skull of the infant prince Aegon Targaryen against a wall, and whispered that afterward he had raped the mother,  有人说把当时还是小婴儿的伊耿·坦格利安王子一头砸墙、活活撞死的人正是格雷果,又说他之后强暴了婴儿的母亲,
  the Dornish princess Elia, before putting her to the sword.  即多恩领的伊莉亚公主,最后才一剑杀死她。
  These things were not said in Gregorh's hearing. 当然,这些话谁也不敢在他面前提起。
  Ned Stark could not recall ever speaking to the man, though Gregor had ridden with them during Balon Greyjoy's rebellion,one knight among thousands.   奈德·史塔克不记得自己跟他说过话,但当年平定巴隆·葛雷乔伊叛乱时,格雷果倒曾与其他几千个骑士一起,和他共同作战。
  He watched him with disquiet.  他不安地看着他。