冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第418期:第二十四章 艾德(15)(在线收听

   His courser was as slim as her rider, a beautiful grey mare, built for speed.  他的坐骑与马上的人儿同样纤细,那是匹漂亮的灰母马,动作敏捷迅速。

  Ser Gregor's huge stallion trumpeted as he caught her scent.  格雷果爵士的大公马一嗅到她的气味便嘶叫起来。
  The boy from Highgarden did something with his legs, and his horse pranced sideways, nimble as a dancer. Sansa clutched at his arm.  高庭来的少年两脚轻轻一拨弄,他的坐骑便像个灵动的舞者般左右轻跃。珊莎抓住他的手臂。
  Father, don't let Ser Gregor hurt him, she said.  父亲,别让格雷果爵士伤了他。她说。奈德看见她配戴着洛拉斯爵士昨天送她的那朵玫瑰。
  Ned saw she was wearing the rose that Ser Loras had given her yesterday. Jory had told him about that as well. 乔里把昨天发生的事都告诉他了。
  These are tourney lances, he told his daughter. They make them to splinter on impact, so no one is hurt.  他们拿的是比武用枪,他告诉女儿,一碰撞就会裂成碎片,所以不会有人受伤的。
  Yet he remembered the dead boy in the cart with his cloak of crescent moons, and the words were raw in his throat. 嘴上这么讲,他却想起了货车里那个盖着弯月披风的少年尸体,这番话也因而显得空洞。
  Ser Gregor was having trouble controlling his horse. The stallion was screaming and pawing the ground, shaking his head.  格雷果爵士不太能控制自己的坐骑。骏马尖叫嘶啼,不断跺脚摇头。
  The Mountain kicked at the animal savagely with an armored boot. The horse reared and almost threw him. 魔山恶狠狠地用套钢甲的脚踢它,马儿后腿站立,差点把他摔下去。
  The Knight of Flowers saluted the king, rode to the far end of the list, and couched his lance, ready.  百花骑士向国王行过礼,骑到场子边缘,然后放低长枪,就定位。
  Ser Gregor brought his animal to the line, fighting with the reins. And suddenly it began.  格雷果爵士拉缰扯绳好半天,好不容易才将马带到起跑线,然后一切就突然开始。
  The Mountain's stallion broke in a hard gallop, plunging forward wildly, while the mare charged as smooth as a flow of silk.  魔山的骏马大步急驰,猛烈地向前狂奔,小母马则流畅如滑丝般开步冲刺。
  Ser Gregor wrenched his shield into position, juggled with his lance, and all the while fought to hold his unruly mount on a straight line,  格雷果爵士扭过盾牌放定,调整长枪,自始至终努力让他不听话的马跑直线,
  and suddenly Loras Tyrell was on him, placing the point of his lance just there, and in an eye blink the Mountain was failing.  突然间,洛拉斯·提利尔已经迎面杀至,枪尖突击恰到好处,只一眨眼功夫,魔山便倒了下去。
  He was so huge that he took his horse down with him in a tangle of steel and flesh. 由于他委实太过庞大,因此连带把马也拉倒,人马铠甲滚成一团。