冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第419期:第二十四章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   Ned heard applause, cheers, whistles, shocked gasps, excited muttering, and over it all the rasping, raucous laughter of the Hound.  奈德听见喝彩声,欢呼声,口哨声,惊骇的喘气声,兴奋的低语声,尤其是"猎狗"粗哑刺耳的笑声。

  The Knight of Flowers reined up at the end of the lists. His lance was not even broken.  百花骑士在场子对面勒住缰绳,连长枪都没折断。
  His sapphires winked in the sun as he raised his visor, smiling. The commons went mad for him. 当他掀开面罩,露出微笑的时候,一身的蓝宝石在阳光下眨眼,全体观众为他而疯狂。
  In the middle of the field, Ser Gregor Clegane disentangled himself and came boiling to his feet.  场子中间,格雷果·克里冈爵士总算松开缰绳和马镫,怒气冲天地站起来。
  He wrenched off his helm and slammed it down onto the ground. His face was dark with fury and his hair fell down into his eyes.  他猛地扯下头盔往地上一摔,脸色阴沉,满是怒意,头发垂下,盖住眼睛。
  “My sword,” he shouted to his squire, and the boy ran it out to him. By then his stallion was back on its feet as well. "拿剑来。"他朝侍从大喊,那孩子赶忙跑上前递给他。这时他的坐骑也站起来了。
  Gregor Clegane killed the horse with a single blow of such ferocity that it half severed the animal's neck.  格雷果·克里冈一剑砍杀了他的马,力道之猛烈,几乎把马头整个剁下。
  Cheers turned to shrieks in a heartbeat.  欢呼瞬间转为尖叫。
  The stallion went to its knees, screaming as it died.  马儿惨叫着跪地而死,
  By then Gregor was striding down the lists toward Ser Loras Tyrell, his bloody sword clutched in his fist.  格雷果握着滴血的长剑朝场边的洛拉斯·提利尔爵士走去。
  “Stop him!” Ned shouted, but his words were lost in the roar. Everyone else was yelling as well, and Sansa was crying. "抓住他!"奈德大叫,但他的话音淹没在吼叫声中。每个人都在大吼大叫,珊莎则泣不成声。
  It all happened so fast. The Knight of Flowers was shouting for his own sword as Ser Gregor knocked his squire aside and made a grab for the reins of his horse.  一切都发生得好快。百花骑士也喊着要剑,但格雷果爵士把他的侍从推开,伸手抓住缰绳。
  The mare scented blood and reared. Loras Tyrell kept his seat, but barely.  小母马闻到血腥味,吓得后脚站立,洛拉斯·提利尔差点摔下马去。