冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第420期:第二十四章 艾德(17)(在线收听

   Ser Gregor swung his sword, a savage two-handed blow that took the boy in the chest and knocked him from the saddle.  格雷果爵士双手握剑,猛力朝少年的胸部挥击,立刻把他从马鞍上轰飞出去。

  The courser dashed away in panic as Ser Loras lay stunned in the dirt.  受惊的坐骑立即跑开,洛拉斯爵士则昏倒在泥地上。
  But as Gregor lifted his sword for the killing blow, a rasping voice warned, Leave him be, and a steel-clad hand wrenched him away from the boy. 正当格雷果举剑准备致命一击时,一个嘶哑的声音警告他:不要碰他。紧接着,一只戴了钢护腕的手便将他自少年身边硬生生地扭开。
  The Mountain pivoted in wordless fury, swinging his longsword in a killing arc with all his massive strength behind it,  魔山无声地愤怒转身,使尽他惊人的力气狠命攻击,但猎狗接下这招,卸开攻势。
  but the Hound caught the blow and turned it, and for what seemed an eternity the two brothers stood hammering at each other as a dazed Loras Tyrell was helped to safety.  其后不知有多长时间,他们两个就站在那里你来我往,余人则赶紧搀扶头晕目眩的洛拉斯·提利尔到安全的地方。
  Thrice Ned saw Ser Gregor aim savage blows at the hound's-head helmet, yet not once did Sandor send a cut at his brother's unprotected face. 奈德看到格雷果爵士有三次朝那顶猎犬头盔猛击,但桑铎一次也没有攻击他哥哥毫无保护的头部。
  It was the king's voice that put an end to it,the king's voice and twenty swords.  最后是国王的声音平息了这场混乱…国王的声音和二十名武士。
  Jon Arryn had told them that a commander needs a good battlefield voice, and Robert had proved the truth of that on the Trident.  琼恩·艾林曾说指挥官需要一副能在战场上发挥功效的好嗓门,当年劳勃在三叉戟河上已证实过这点,如今他又用上了这副嗓门。
  He used that voice now. STOP THIS MADNESS, he boomed, IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING! 以你们的国王之名,他吼道,立刻给我住手!
  The Hound went to one knee. Ser Gregor's blow cut air, and at last he came to his senses.  猎狗闻言立刻单膝跪下,格雷果爵士的挥砍扑了空,这才恢复理性。
  He dropped his sword and glared at Robert, surrounded by his Kingsguard and a dozen other knights and guardsmen.  他抛下剑,瞪了劳勃一眼。国王身边围绕着御林铁卫,还有十来个骑士和卫兵。
  Wordlessly, he turned and strode off, shoving past Barristan Selmy.  他推开巴利斯坦·赛尔弥,一言不发地转身大跨步离去。
  Let him go, Robert said, and as quickly as that, it was over. 让他去吧。劳勃道。事情就这么结束了。
  Is the Hound the champion now? Sansa asked Ned. 猎狗现在是冠军了吗?珊莎问奈德。