冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第422期:第二十四章 艾德(19)(在线收听

   The melee went on for three hours. Near forty men took part, freeriders and hedge knights and new-made squires in search of a reputation.  团体比武则打了三个小时。总共有近四十人参加,多半是有意谋求功名的自由骑手、雇佣骑士和刚受策封的侍从。

  They fought with blunted weapons in a chaos of mud and blood,  他们手持钝器,在烂泥四溅、鲜血喷飞的场地里相互拼杀,
  small troops fighting together and then turning on each other as alliances formed and fractured, until only one man was left standing.  一会儿组成小队联手抗敌,转眼间又闹起内讧自相残杀,同盟才刚组成便告破裂,直到最后只剩一人站立。
  The victor was the red priest, Thoros of Myr, a madman who shaved his head and fought with a flaming sword. He had won melees before;  胜利者是密尔来的索罗斯,就是那个手持火焰剑,剃了光头,十足狂人模样的红袍僧。他以前也拿过比武冠军,
  the fire sword frightened the mounts of the other riders, and nothing frightened Thoros.  因为其他骑士的马儿都怕极了他那把火焰剑,可他自己却什么都不怕。
  The final tally was three broken limbs, a shattered collarbone, a dozen smashed fingers,  最后的伤亡名单包括两只断腿,一条碎掉的锁骨,十几根打烂的手指,
  two horses that had to be put down, and more cuts, sprains, and bruises than anyone cared to count.  两匹不得不处理掉的马,以及多到大家懒得数的割伤、扭伤和擦伤。
  Ned was desperately pleased that Robert had not taken part. 奈德万分庆幸劳勃没有参加。
  That night at the feast, Eddard Stark was more hopeful than he had been in a great while.  当天晚宴席间,艾德·史塔克对未来感到前所未有的乐观与希望。
  Robert was in high good humor, the Lannisters were nowhere to be seen, and even his daughters were behaving. Jory brought Arya down to join them,  劳勃兴致正好,兰尼斯特家的人则通通缺席,连他两个女儿的表现也令人欣喜。
  and Sansa spoke to her sister pleasantly. The tournament was magnificent, she sighed. You should have come.  乔里把艾莉亚带过来跟他们同坐,珊莎开心地主动跟妹妹说话。比武大会真是棒透了,她惊叹道,你真该一起来的。
  How was your dancing? 你舞跳得怎么样了?
  I'm sore all over, Arya reported happily, proudly displaying a huge purple bruise on her leg. 练得浑身酸痛呢。艾莉亚开心地报告进度,并且骄傲地展示腿上一大块紫色瘀伤。
  You must be a terrible dancer, Sansa said doubtfully. 我看你舞跳得一定很糟。珊莎满腹狐疑地说。
  Later, while Sansa was off listening to a troupe of singers perform the complex round of interwoven ballads called the Dance of the Dragons,  之后珊莎去听一个歌手团队演唱一组由许多叙事诗构成,名叫血龙狂舞的组曲,
  Ned inspected the bruise himself. I hope Forel is not being too hard on you, he said. 奈德则亲自检查了小女儿的瘀伤。我希望佛瑞尔没对你太过严苛。