冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第424期:第二十四章 艾德(21)(在线收听

   Much later, after he had taken the girls back through the city and seen them both safe in bed,  当天晚上,在他带女儿们回到城里,送她们上床,

  Sansa with her dreams and Arya with her bruises, Ned ascended to his own chambers atop the Tower of the Hand.  看着满脑子白日梦的珊莎和浑身是伤的艾莉亚分别安然入梦之后,奈德这才步上首相塔顶,返回自己的起居室。
  The day had been warm and the room was close and stuffy.  白天气候暖和,因此房里现在显得十分郁窒。
  Ned went to the window and unfastened the heavy shutters to let in the cool night air.  奈德走到窗边,打开沉重的扣锁,让清凉的晚风吹进室内。
  Across the Great Yard, he noticed the flickering glow of candlelight from Littlefinger's windows.  隔着广大的中庭,他注意到小指头窗里的摇曳烛光。
  The hour was well past midnight. Down by the river, the revels were only now beginning to dwindle and die. 时间已过午夜,但在远处河边,喧闹声才刚开始稍稍减退。
  He took out the dagger and studied it. Littlefinger's blade, won by Tyrion Lannister in a tourney wager, sent to slay Bran in his sleep.  他取出匕首,仔细检视。小指头的刀,在比武大会上打赌输给提利昂·兰尼斯特,被用来对熟睡的布兰痛下杀手。
  Why? Why would the dwarf want Bran dead? Why would anyone want Bran dead? 为什么?为什么那侏儒要置布兰于死地?怎么会有人要置布兰于死地?
  The dagger, Bran's fall, all of it was linked somehow to the murder of Jon Arryn, he could feel it in his gut,  他隐约觉得这把短刀、布兰坠楼都与谋害琼恩·艾林有所牵连,
  but the truth of Jon's death remained as clouded to him as when he had started.  但琼恩的死亡真相像个谜团,他依旧毫无头绪。
  Lord Stannis had not returned to King's Landing for the tourney.  史坦尼斯公爵并未返回君临参加比武大会,
  Lysa Arryn held her silence behind the high walls of the Eyrie.  莱莎·艾林则躲在鹰巢城高墙之后,噤若寒蝉。
  The squire was dead, and Jory was still searching the whorehouses.  琼恩的侍从已死,乔里仍在一家家妓院里逡巡。
  What did he have but Robert's bastard? 除了劳勃的私生子,他手上究竟还有什么线索?
  That the armorer's sullen apprentice was the king's son, Ned had no doubt.  毫无疑问,武器师傅那个脸色阴沉的学徒正是国王的儿子,这点奈德很清楚。
  The Baratheon look was stamped on his face, in his jaw, his eyes, that black hair.  拜拉席恩家族的特征清楚地印在他脸上,他的下巴、眼睛和黑发无一不是明证。
  Renly was too young to have fathered a boy of that age, Stannis too cold and proud in his honor.  蓝礼太年轻,不可能有那么大的儿子,史坦尼斯则是太冷酷也太重视荣誉,不会做出这种事。
  Gendry had to be Robert's. 詹德利一定是劳勃的种。