冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第426期:第二十四章 艾德(23)(在线收听

   Who are you? Ned asked. 请问您是?奈德问。

  A friend, the cowled man said in a strange, low voice. We must speak alone, Lord Stark. 我是您的朋友。蒙面人用怪异的低沉腔调说,史塔克大人,我们得单独谈谈。
  Curiosity was stronger than caution. Harwin, leave us, he commanded. Not until they were alone behind closed doors did his visitor draw back his cowl. 好奇胜过了警戒心。哈尔温,你先退下。他命令。等门关上,房里只剩他们两人之后,这位访客方才掀开斗篷。
  Lord Varys? Ned said in astonishment. 瓦里斯大人?奈德惊讶地说。
  Lord Stark, Varys said politely, seating himself. I wonder if I might trouble you for a drink? 史塔克大人,瓦里斯彬彬有礼地道,然后自己坐了下来。不知可否麻烦您给我点喝的?
  Ned filled two cups with summerwine and handed one to Varys. I might have passed within a foot of you and never recognized you, he said, incredulous.  奈德倒了两杯夏日红,递给瓦里斯一杯。打扮成这样,恐怕我在你鼻子底下也认不出来。他难以置信地说。
  He had never seen the eunuch dress in anything but silk and velvet and the richest damasks, and this man smelled of sweat instead of lilacs. 除了丝绸、天鹅绒和最上等的锦缎,他从来没见太监穿过其他质料的衣服。太监向来一身紫丁香味,然而眼前此人却浑身汗臭。
  That was my dearest hope, Varys said. It would not do if certain people learned that we had spoken in private. The queen watches you closely.  我正希望如此。瓦里斯道,绝不能让别人知道我们私下密谈的事。您的一举一动,王后都监视得很紧。
  This wine is very choice. Thank you. 这酒好极了,谢谢您。
  How did you get past my other guards? Ned asked. Porther and Cayn had been posted outside the tower, and Alyn on the stairs. 你是怎么通过我其他守卫的?奈德问。波瑟和凯恩派驻塔外,埃林则守在楼梯口。
  The Red Keep has ways known only to ghosts and spiders. Varys smiled apologetically. I will not keep you long, my lord.  红堡里有些密道只有幽灵和蜘蛛才知道。瓦里斯歉然微笑,我不会打扰您太久,大人,
  There are things you must know. You are the King's Hand, and the king is a fool. The eunuch's cloying tones were gone; now his voice was thin and sharp as a whip. 不过有些事您必须知情。您是御前首相,但国王却是蠢才一个。太监从前的甜腻语调不再,取而代之的是轻细且锐利如鞭的口气。
  Your friend, I know, yet a fool nonetheless and doomed, unless you save him. Today was a near thing. They had hoped to kill him during the melee. 我知道他是您的挚友,但蠢才就是蠢才…而且恐怕是个注定要完蛋的蠢才,除非您能救他。今天差一点就让他们得逞,他们原本计划在团体比武时谋害他。