冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第427期:第二十四章 艾德(24)(在线收听

   For a moment Ned was speechless with shock. Who? 好半晌奈德震惊得说不出话。他们指谁?

  Varys sipped his wine. If I truly need to tell you that, you are a bigger fool than Robert and I am on the wrong side. 瓦里斯啜了口酒,如果连这个都还要我告诉你,那我看你比劳勃还蠢,而我显然站错了队。
  The Lannisters, Ned said. The queen...no, I will not believe that, not even of Cersei. She asked him not to fight! 兰尼斯特,奈德道,王后…不,我不相信,即使瑟曦也不可能做出这种事,她明明就叫他不要参加!
  She forbade him to fight, in front of his brother, his knights, and half the court. Tell me truly, do you know any surer way to force King Robert into the melee? I ask you. 她禁止他参加,而且是当着他弟弟,当着他手下骑士,以及半数廷臣的面说的。说真的,敢问您知道什么更好的方法,可以逼得国王不得不参加团体比武?您倒是说说看。
  Ned had a sick feeling in his gut. The eunuch had hit upon a truth;  奈德只觉得反胃。太监说得没错,
  tell Robert Baratheon he could not, should not, or must not do a thing, and it was as good as done.  叫劳勃不准做这,不该做那,绝对不可以如此这般,那就跟催促他没两样。
  Even if he'd fought, who would have dared to strike the king? 就算他真的下场,谁敢动手打国王?
  Varys shrugged. There were forty riders in the melee.  瓦里斯耸耸肩。总共有四十来个家伙参加,
  The Lannisters have many friends.  兰尼斯特家势力又大。
  Amidst all that chaos, with horses screaming and bones breaking and Thoros of Myr waving that absurd firesword of his,  场子里乱成那样,马叫个不停,到处有人折手断脚,再加上索罗斯挥着他那把怪里怪气的火焰剑,
  who could name it murder if some chance blow felled His Grace?  要真有人不小心碰到国王陛下,你能说那是蓄意谋杀吗?
  He went to the flagon and refilled his cup. After the deed was done, the slayer would be beside himself with grief.  他起身去拿酒壶,替自己再度斟满。等生米煮成熟饭,凶手肯定是一副悲痛得难以自已的模样。
  I can almost hear him weeping. So sad.  我连他怎么哭都可以想像。真叫人难过哟。
  Yet no doubt the gracious and compassionate widow would take pity, lift the poor unfortunate to his feet, and bless him with a gentle kiss of forgiveness.  不过那位雍容华贵又慈悲为怀的寡妇一定会同情他,搀扶这可怜虫站起来,然后轻轻一吻给予原谅,
  Good King Joffrey would have no choice but to pardon him.  到时候咱们好心肠的乔佛里国王除了宽恕他还能怎么办呢。