冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第431期:第二十四章 艾德(28)(在线收听

   He was at the door when Ned called, Varys. The eunuch turned back. How did Jon Arryn die? 他走到门边时,奈德叫道:瓦里斯,太监回过头。琼恩·艾林是怎么死的?

  I wondered when you would get around to that. 我还在想你什么时候才会问起这个。
  Tell me. 告诉我。
  The tears of Lys, they call it. A rare and costly thing, clear and sweet as water, and it leaves no trace.  那东西叫里斯之泪,非常罕见,价格高昂。其味道清甜如水,不留一点痕迹。
  I begged Lord Arryn to use a taster, in this very room I begged him, but he would not hear of it.  当时我就在这个房间里恳求艾林大人叫人先尝过食物,自己再吃,可他不肯听,还告诉我:
  Only one who was less than a man would even think of such a thing, he told me. 只有不配做人的东西才会想到这种事。
  Ned had to know the rest. Who gave him the poison? 奈德急切地想知道事情始末。谁下的毒?
  Some dear sweet friend who often shared meat and mead with him, no doubt. Oh, but which one?  显然是某个与他很亲近,常和他一起同桌共餐的朋友,噢,但是哪一个呢?
  There were many such. Lord Arryn was a kindly, trusting man.  可疑的对象太多了。艾林大人是个和蔼可亲又值得信赖的人哪。
  The eunuch sighed. There was one boy. All he was, he owed Jon Arryn,  太监叹道:不过倒确有这么个孩子,他的一切都是琼恩·艾林给的,
  but when the widow fled to the Eyrie with her household, he stayed in King's Landing and prospered. 但当艾林的寡妇带着一家大小逃回鹰巢城时,他却选择了留在君临,并很快飞黄腾达。
  It always gladdens my heart to see the young rise in the world.  看到年轻人有发展,我总是高兴的。
  The whip was in his voice again, every word a stroke.  他的话锋重归锐利,每个字都像挥出的一鞭。
  He must have cut a gallant figure in the tourney, him in his bright new armor, with those crescent moons on his cloak.  他在比武大会上想必塑造了自己英勇的形象,穿着那身闪亮的新盔甲,还有那件弯月披风。
  A pity he died so untimely, before you could talk to him... 只可惜他死不逢时,您还来不及问他就…
  Ned felt half-poisoned himself. The squire, he said. Ser Hugh.  奈德觉得自己仿佛也给下了毒。原来是那个侍从,他说,修夫爵士。
  Wheels within wheels within wheels. Ned's head was pounding. Why? Why now? Jon Arryn had been Hand for fourteen years.  真是谜中有谜,错综复杂。奈德脑中怦怦作响。为什么?为什么选在这个时候?琼恩·艾林已经当了十四年的首相,
  What was he doing that they had to kill him? 他到底做了什么,逼得他们非杀他不可?