冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第432期:第二十五章 提利昂(1)(在线收听

   Asking questions, Varys said, slipping out the door. 他问得太多了。瓦里斯说着溜出门。

  As he stood in the predawn chill watching Chiggen butcher his horse, Tyrion Lannister chalked up one more debt owed the Starks.  提利昂·兰尼斯特站在天光未现的清冷晓色里,看着契根宰杀他的坐骑,暗暗在心里把史塔克家欠他的债再添上一笔。
  Steam rose from inside the carcass when the squat sellsword opened the belly with his skinning knife.  那佣兵用剥皮的刀割开马肚,蒸汽立刻从尸骸里冒出。他两手并用,熟练操作,一刀也不浪费。
  His hands moved deftly, with never a wasted cut; the work had to be done quickly, before the stink of blood brought shadowcats down from the heights. 这事本当迅速完成,以免山上的影子山猫嗅到血腥闻香而来。
  None of us will go hungry tonight, Bronn said. He was near a shadow himself; bone thin and bone hard, with black eyes and black hair and a stubble of beard. 今晚咱们都不会挨饿了。波隆道。他瘦得像骨头一样,也坚毅得像骨头,黑眼黑发,加上短短的胡子,活像是团黑影。
  Some of us may, Tyrion told him. I am not fond of eating horse. Particularly my horse. 不见得。提利昂告诉他。我可对马肉没兴趣,尤其没兴趣吃自己的马。
  Meat is meat, Bronn said with a shrug. The Dothraki like horse more than beef or pork. 反正都是肉,波隆耸肩道,跟牛肉和猪肉相比,多斯拉克人还更爱马肉呢。
  Do you take me for a Dothraki? Tyrion asked sourly. The Dothraki ate horse, in truth;  你觉得我像多斯拉克人吗?提利昂冷冷地说。多斯拉克人吃马肉是千真万确的事,
  they also left deformed children out for the feral dogs who ran behind their khalasars. Dothraki customs had scant appeal for him. 他们还放任畸形儿自生自灭,留给跟在卡拉萨后面的野狗吃。他们的习俗委实不怎么吸引他。
  Chiggen sliced a thin strip of bloody meat off the carcass and held it up for inspection. Want a taste, dwarf? 契根从马尸上割下一薄片血淋淋的肉,举在半空中仔细瞧看。矮个子,要不要先来一口?
  My brother Jaime gave me that mare for my twenty-third name day, Tyrion said in a flat voice. 这匹母马是我老哥詹姆送给我的二十三岁命名日礼物。提利昂用平板的口气说。
  Thank him for us, then. If you ever see him again. Chiggen grinned, showing yellow teeth, and swallowed the raw meat in two bites. Tastes well bred. 那如果你还能活着见到他,代我们道声谢。契根嘻嘻一笑,露出满嘴黄牙,然后两口就把那块生肉吞下肚去。这马挺不错。