冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第435期:第二十五章 提利昂(4)(在线收听

   Scarlet-tinged spittle flew from the fat innkeep's mouth as she begged of Catelyn Stark, Don't kill him here! 胖老板娘向凯特琳·史塔克苦苦哀求,嘴里喷出一串腥红的唾沫:别在这儿杀他!

  Don't kill him anywhere, Tyrion urged. 到哪儿都别杀他。提利昂提议。
  Take him somewheres else, no blood here, m'lady, I wants no high lordlin's quarrels. 夫人,要杀也请您到别的地方杀,别把我这儿弄得到处是血,我不想惹上官家的麻烦事儿啊。
  We are taking him back to Winterfell, she said, and Tyrion thought, Well, perhaps. 我们要把他带回临冬城去。她说,提利昂听了心想:要是这样的话,或许…
  By then he'd had a moment to glance over the room and get a better idea of the situation.  当时他已趁短暂余暇环顾四周,对当下情形更有掌握。
  He was not altogether displeased by what he saw. Oh, the Stark woman had been clever, no doubt of it.  眼前所见不至于让他绝望。噢,那史塔克女人反应倒是机敏,这无庸置疑。
  Force them to make a public affirmation of the oaths sworn her father by the lords they served, and then call on them for succor, and her a woman, yes, that was sweet.  她先逼他们公开承认自家主子对她父亲的誓约,然后再请他们拔刀相助,何况她又是区区一个弱女子。
  Yet her success was not as complete as she might have liked.  没错,这招厉害。然而她也没有赢得太彻底。
  There were close to fifty in the common room by his rough count. Catelyn Stark's plea had roused a bare dozen;  据他约略估算,饭厅里将近有五十个人。凯特琳·史塔克不过说动了十来个,
  the others looked confused, or frightened, or sullen.  其他人有的困惑,有的害怕,还有的冷漠。
  Only two of the Freys had stirred, Tyrion noted, and they'd sat back down quick enough when their captain failed to move. He might have smiled if he'd dared. 提利昂注意到,佛雷家那群人只有两个准备响应,而他们眼看带头的没动静,便又很快坐回去了。若不是不敢,否则他还真想偷笑。
  Winterfell it is, then, he said instead. That was a long ride, as he could well attest, having just ridden it the other way.  临冬城,去就去。他说。这会是趟漫长的旅途,他自己刚从反方向走来,有着切身的体会。
  So many things could happen along the way. My father will wonder what has become of me, he added, catching the eye of the swordsman who'd offered to yield up his  谁也说不准途中会有什么变数。不过我不告而别,我老爸可能会担心我,他补充道,一边看着刚才那个自愿把房间让给他的流浪剑客。
  He'll pay a handsome reward to any man who brings him word of what happened here today.  谁把今天发生的事告诉他,他定将重重赏赐。