冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第436期:第二十五章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   Lord Tywin would do no such thing, of course, but Tyrion would make up for it if he won free. 泰温公爵当然不会如此,提利昂打算等自己脱身后再想办法补偿。

  Ser Rodrik glanced at his lady, his look worried, as well it might be.  罗德利克爵士忧心忡忡地看看他的女主人,这老家伙也没什么高招。
  His men come with him, the old knight announced. And we'll thank the rest of you to stay quiet about what you've seen here. 他的人跟他一起走。老骑士宣布,刚才发生的事,还请诸位不要张扬。
  It was all Tyrion could do not to laugh. Quiet? The old fool.  提利昂好容易才忍住笑。不要张扬?老糊涂蛋。
  Unless he took the whole inn, the word would begin to spread the instant they were gone.  除非把整间旅店里的人都抓起来,否则前脚刚踏出门,后脚消息就会散播开去。
  The freerider with the gold coin in his pocket would fly to Casterly Rock like an arrow.  那个口袋里装了金币的流浪武士一定会心急火燎地飞速赶往凯岩城通风报信,
  If not him, then someone else.  就算他没去,别人也一定会去。
  Yoren would carry the story south. That fool singer might make a lay of it. The Freys would report back to their lord, and the gods only knew what he might do.  尤伦将把消息带往南方,而那个愚蠢的歌手说不定还会为此写首歌谣。佛雷家的手下会回报他们主子,他下一步会怎么做,只有天上诸神知道。
  Lord Walder Frey might be sworn to Riverrun, but he was a cautious man who had lived a long time by making certain he was always on the winning side.  瓦德·佛雷男爵虽然是奔流城的臣属,但他活了这么大把年纪,靠的就是小心谨慎,永远站在赢家那边。
  At the very least he would send his birds winging south to King's Landing, and he might well dare more than that. 至少他会派鸟儿送信息到君临,很可能还不只这样。
  Catelyn Stark wasted no time.  凯特琳·史塔克一点时间也没浪费。
  We must ride at once. We'll want fresh mounts, and provisions for the road.  我们马上动身,我们需要精力充足的马,还有路上必须的粮食。
  You men, know that you have the eternal gratitude of House Stark.  你们几位,史塔克家族永远感激你们。
  If any of you choose to help us guard our captives and get them safe to Winterfell, I promise you shall be well rewarded.  假如你们愿意协助我们押送犯人前往临冬城,我保证有重赏。
  That was all it took; the fools came rushing forward.  那些个蠢蛋就等这句话,听了立刻一拥而上。
  Tyrion studied their faces; they would indeed be well rewarded, he vowed to himself, but perhaps not quite as they imagined. 提利昂一个接一个地审视他们的脸庞:你们的确会得到重赏,他发誓,只怕不是你们想像的那种。