冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第437期:第二十五章 提利昂(6)(在线收听

   Yet even as they were bundling him outside, saddling the horses in the rain, and tying his hands with a length of coarse rope, Tyrion Lannister was not truly afraid.  他们立刻来到屋外,冒着雨给马备鞍。他们用粗绳绑住提利昂的手,他却不怎么害怕。

  They would never get him to Winterfell, he would have given odds on that.  他敢打赌,他们绝对无法把他押回临冬城,
  Riders would be after them within the day, birds would take wing,  不出一天,定会有人骑马追来,这有什么好奇怪呢?
  and surely one of the river lords would want to curry favor with his father enough to take a hand.  鸟儿会送出讯息,届时必有河间地区的领主插手,借机讨好他老爸。
  Tyrion was congratulating himself on his subtlety when someone pulled a hood down over his eyes and lifted him up onto a saddle. 提利昂正对自己的精打细算感到得意,就被人盖上兜帽,遮住眼睛,放上马鞍。
  They set out through the rain at a hard gallop, and before long Tyrion's thighs were cramped and aching and his butt throbbed with pain.  他们快马加鞭地冒雨出发,没过多久提利昂便已两腿酸疼,屁股也磨得难受。
  Even when they were safely away from the inn, and Catelyn Stark slowed them to a trot, it was a miserable pounding journey over rough ground, made worse by his blindness.  虽然安然远离旅店之后,凯特琳·史塔克便放慢速度,但这仍旧是一趟崎岖难行的艰苦旅程,蒙住眼睛更是雪上加霜。
  Every twist and turn put him in danger of falling off his horse.  每次转弯他都有坠马的危险。
  The hood muffled sound, so he could not make out what was being said around him, and the rain soaked through the cloth and made it cling to his face,  透过头套听见的声音很模糊,所以他不清楚身边的人在说什么。细雨浸湿布料,头套紧贴脸庞,
  until even breathing was a struggle.  后来连呼吸都有困难。
  The rope chafed his wrists raw and seemed to grow tighter as the night wore on.  粗绳磨破他的手腕,随着夜色渐深,似乎越来越紧。
  I was about to settle down to a warm fire and a roast fowl, and that wretched singer had to open his mouth, he thought mournfully.  他本来是要好好坐下,在火炉边取暖,享用刚烤出来的鸟肉的,只怪那该死的歌手偏偏要张开他的乌鸦嘴,他可怜兮兮地想。
  The wretched singer had come along with them.  这该死的歌手竟然也在队伍里。