冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第439期:第二十五章 提利昂(8)(在线收听

   Suddenly Marillion shrieked, covering his head with his woodharp as a horse leapt over their rock.  马瑞里安忽然尖叫起来,拿他的木头竖琴遮住头,只见一匹马自他们躲藏的岩石上方跳过。

  Tyrion scrambled to his feet as the rider turned to come back at them, hefting a spiked maul.  提利昂见状赶忙起身,来人调转马头,举起一柄带刺的大锤,回来收拾他们。
  Tyrion swung his axe with both hands.  提利昂双手握斧挥出,
  The blade caught the charging horse in the throat with a meaty thunk, angling upward, and Tyrion almost lost his grip as the animal screamed and collapsed.  正砍中冲刺的马的喉咙,铮地发出结实的一声。马儿惨叫倒地,提利昂的武器险些脱手。
  He managed to wrench the axe free and lurch clumsily out of the way.  他好不容易即时拔出斧头,踉跄地闪开。
  Marillion was less fortunate. Horse and rider crashed to the ground in a tangle on top of the singer. 马瑞里安可没这么好运,对方连人带马朝他摔去,一团砸在他身上。
  Tyrion danced back in while the brigand's leg was still pinned beneath his fallen mount, and buried the axe in the man's neck, just above the shoulder blades. 趁着这匪徒的腿还被马压住,提利昂溜过去补上一斧,恰好砍在肩胛骨上方的脖子处。
  As he struggled to yank the blade loose, he heard Marillion moaning under the bodies.  正当他奋力拔出斧头,他听见埋在尸体下面的马瑞里安发出的呻吟。
  Someone help me, the singer gasped. Gods have mercy, I'm bleeding. 谁来救救我,歌手喘着气说,天上诸神可怜我,我要流血而死了。
  I believe that's horse blood, Tyrion said. The singer's hand came crawling out from beneath the dead animal, scrabbling in the dirt like a spider with five legs.  我相信那是马的血。提利昂道。吟游诗人的手从死马底下伸出来,在泥地里乱抠,活像只五条脚的蜘蛛。
  Tyrion put his heel on the grasping fingers and felt a satisfying crunch.  提利昂伸出脚跟狠踩在狂抓的手指上,听到一声令人满意的喀啦响。
  Close your eyes and pretend you're dead, he advised the singer before he hefted the axe and turned away. 闭上眼睛,假装你已经死了吧。他如此建议歌手,然后抽出斧头,转身走开。
  After that, things ran together. The dawn was full of shouts and screams and heavy with the scent of blood, and the world had turned to chaos.  在那之后,战场的情形乱成一团。这个清晨充满了呐喊和尖叫,空气中弥漫着血腥,世界一片混沌。
  Arrows hissed past his ear and clattered off the rocks. He saw Bronn unhorsed, fighting with a sword in each hand.  利箭咻咻飞过他耳际,在石头上弹开。他看到波隆被打下马,两手各持一剑继续作战。