冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第441期:第二十五章 提利昂(10)(在线收听

   Tyrion looked around. The enemy were all vanquished or vanished.  提利昂环顾四周,敌人不是被杀便是逃走,

  Somehow the fighting had ended when he wasn't looking.  总之战斗在他没注意到的时候已经结束。
  Dying horses and wounded men lay all around, screaming or moaning.  遍地都是濒死的马和负伤的人,发出惨叫和呻吟。
  To his vast astonishment, he was not one of them.  最令他惊讶的是自己竟安然无恙。
  He opened his fingers and let the axe thunk to the ground.  他松开手指,斧头锵一声落在地上,
  His hands were sticky with blood.  忽然发现自己满手是血。
  He could have sworn they had been fighting for half a day, but the sun seemed scarcely to have moved at all. 他相信他们起码打了半天之久,但太阳却纹丝未动。
  Your first battle? Bronn asked later as he bent over Jyck's body, pulling off his boots.  第一次上战场?过了一会儿,波隆站在杰克的尸体上一边弯身脱靴子,一边问。
  They were good boots, as befit one of Lord Tywin's men; heavy leather, oiled and supple, much finer than what Bronn was wearing. 那是双好靴子,厚实的皮革,上过油,柔软异常,正配泰温公爵手下的身份,比起波隆穿的要好太多了。
  Tyrion nodded. My father will be so proud, he said. His legs were cramping so badly he could scarcely stand.  提利昂点点头。我老爸应该会骄傲。他说。他的脚抽筋得厉害,几乎无法站立。
  Odd, he had never once noticed the pain during the battle. 奇怪,刚才打斗时却一点不觉得疼。
  You need a woman now, Bronn said with a glint in his black eyes. He shoved the boots into his saddlebag.  你需要找个女人,波隆眨着黑眼睛,顺手将靴子扔进自己的马鞍袋。
  Nothing like a woman after a man's been blooded, take my word. 相信我,流过血之后,找个女人最来劲。
  Chiggen stopped looting the corpses of the brigands long enough to snort and lick his lips. 听见这话,契根停下对土匪尸体的搜刮,哼了一声,舔舔舌头。
  Tyrion glanced over to where Lady Stark was dressing Ser Rodrik's wounds. I'm willing if she is, he said.  提利昂瞄了一眼正帮罗德利克爵士包扎的史塔克夫人。她说好我就上。他说。
  The freeriders broke into laughter, and Tyrion grinned and thought, There's a start. 两个流浪武士听了哈哈大笑,提利昂一边跟着乐一边想:这是个好的开始。
  Afterward he knelt by the stream and washed the blood off his face in water cold as ice.  随后他跪在溪边,用冰冷刺骨的溪水洗去脸上血迹。