冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第442期:第二十五章 提利昂(11)(在线收听

   As he limped back to the others, he glanced again at the slain.  他瘸着腿走回去时,又看了看地上的死人。

  The dead clansmen were thin, ragged men, their horses scrawny and undersized, with every rib showing.  战死的原住民都是些衣衫褴褛、瘦骨嶙峋的家伙,他们的坐骑也是又瘦又小,根根肋骨清楚可见。
  What weapons Bronn and Chiggen had left them were none too impressive.  波隆和契根挑剩下的武器都不怎么起眼,
  Mauls, clubs, a scythe.He remembered the big man in the shadowskin cloak who had dueled Ser Rodrik with a two-handed greatsword,  大锤、棍棒,还有一把镰刀……他想起那个穿了影子山猫皮披风、拿双手巨剑和罗德利克爵士对打的大汉,
  but when he found his corpse sprawled on the stony ground, the man was not so big after all, the cloak was gone,  但当他看到那人四肢伸展躺在石地上的尸首时,他看起来一点也不高大。他的披风没了踪影,
  and Tyrion saw that the blade was badly notched, its cheap steel spotted with rust.  提利昂发现他的剑锋早就布满缺口,廉价钢铁锈得厉害。
  Small wonder the clansmen had left nine bodies on the ground. 难怪原住民倒下九个。
  They had only three dead; two of Lord Bracken's men-at-arms, Kurleket and Mohor, and his own man Jyck, who had made such a bold show with his bareback charge.  他们这边只死了三人:两个布雷肯伯爵的手下——库雷凯特和摩霍尔,还有他自己的护卫杰克,他奋不顾身的冲锋充分显示了他的愚勇。
  A fool to the end, Tyrion thought. 到死都还是傻子一个,提利昂心想。
  Lady Stark, I urge you to press on, with all haste, Ser Willis Wode said, his eyes scanning the ridgetops warily through the slit in his helm.  史塔克夫人,我请求您立刻动身,加紧赶路。维里·渥德爵士道,他透过头盔上那道细缝,小心翼翼地扫视着附近山脊。
  We drove them off for the moment, but they will not have gone far. 我们虽然暂时赶跑了他们,但他们不会走远。
  We must bury our dead, Ser Willis, she said. These were brave men. I will not leave them to the crows and shadowcats. 维里爵士,我们应该先安葬死者。她说,他们英勇殉难,我不能把他们留在这里给乌鸦和山猫糟蹋。
  This soil is too stony for digging, Ser Willis said. 这里土地多石,没法挖的。维里爵士道。
  Then we shall gather stones for cairns. 那我们就搬石头堆石冢。
  Gather all the stones you want, Bronn told her, but do it without me or Chiggen. I've better things to do than pile rocks on dead men breathing, for one.  要怎么搬随你便,波隆告诉她,但我和契根可不干。比起在死人身上堆石头,我还有更要紧的事情…比如呼吸。
  He looked over the rest of the survivors. Any of you who hope to be alive come nightfall, ride with us. 他环视其余的生还者。你们要是还想活过今晚,就跟我们走。