冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第443期:第二十五章 提利昂(12)(在线收听

   My lady, I fear he speaks the truth, Ser Rodrik said wearily.  夫人,恐怕他说的没错。罗德利克爵士虚弱地说。

  The old knight had been wounded in the fight, a deep gash in his left arm and a spear thrust that grazed his neck, and he sounded his age.  老骑士在打斗中负了伤,左臂被深深割了一道,脖子也被掷出的标枪擦伤,如今老态尽露。
  If we linger here, they will be on us again for a certainty, and we may not live through a second attack. 若是在此逗留,他们一定会再次攻击,到时候我们可能就顶不住了。
  Tyrion could see the anger in Catelyn's face, but she had no choice. May the gods forgive us, then. We will ride at once. 提利昂看出凯特琳脸上的愤怒,但她别无选择。那就祈祷天上诸神原谅我们罢。我们这就动身。
  There was no shortage of horses now. Tyrion moved his saddle to Jyck's spotted gelding, who looked strong enough to last another three or four days at least.  现在马倒是不缺。提利昂把他的马鞍移到杰克的花斑公马背上,因为它看起来还算强壮,再撑个三四天应该没问题。
  He was about to mount when Lharys stepped up and said, I'll take that dirk now, dwarf. 他正准备上马,只见拉利斯往前一站道:侏儒,把你的匕首交给我。
  Let him keep it. Catelyn Stark looked down from her horse. And see that he has his axe back as well.  让他留着吧。凯特琳·史塔克从马上往下俯看,斧头也还给他,
  We may have need of it if we are attacked again. 若是再遇攻击,可能还用得着。
  You have my thanks, lady, Tyrion said, mounting up. 夫人,谢谢您。提利昂说着爬上马。
  Save them, she said curtly. I trust you no more than I did before. She was gone before he could frame a reply. 省省吧,她唐突地说,我跟以前一样不信任你。他还来不及回嘴,她便拍马离开。
  Tyrion adjusted his stolen helm and took the axe from Bronn.  提利昂整了整偷来的头盔,然后从波隆手中接过斧头。
  He remembered how he had begun the journey, with his wrists bound and a hood pulled down over his head, and decided that this was a definite improvement.  他想起这趟旅程刚开始时,自己两手被绑,戴着头罩,如今堪称大有进展。
  Lady Stark could keep her trust; so long as he could keep the axe, he would count himself ahead in the game. 史塔克夫人不信任他没关系,只要他能留住斧头,他就有信心在这场游戏里胜过对手。