冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第444期:第二十五章 提利昂(13)(在线收听

   Ser Willis Wode led them out. Bronn took the rear, with Lady Stark safely in the middle, Ser Rodrik a shadow beside her.  维里·渥德领队,波隆负责殿后,史塔克夫人安全地骑在队伍中间,罗德利克爵士则如影随形跟在她身旁。

  Marillion kept throwing sullen looks back at Tyrion as they rode.  途中,马瑞里安带着怨恨的眼光,
  The singer had broken several ribs, his woodharp, and all four fingers on his playing hand, yet the day had not been an utter loss to him;  不断回头看他,他的几根肋骨,木头竖琴,还有用来弹奏的四根指头通通断了,但他还不算倒楣到极点:
  somewhere he had acquired a magnificent shadowskin cloak, thick black fur slashed by stripes of white.  他弄来一件漂亮的影子山猫皮披风,厚实的黑毛皮,点缀着白线。
  He huddled beneath its folds silently, and for once had nothing to say. 他沉默地缩在斗篷里,难得地闭上了嘴巴。
  They heard the deep growls of shadowcats behind them before they had gone half a mile, and later the wild snarling of the beasts fighting over the corpses they had left behind. 行不到半里,他们便听见背后影子山猫低沉的吼叫,稍后又传来它们争食尸体的咆哮。
  Marillion grew visibly pale. Tyrion trotted up beside him.  马瑞里安的脸色愈加苍白,提利昂骑马跑到他旁边。
  Craven, he said, rhymes nicely with raven. He kicked his horse and moved past the singer, up to Ser Rodrik and Catelyn Stark. 黑鸟,他道,恰好跟胆子小押韵。说完他一踢马肚,丢下吟游诗人,跑到罗德利克爵士和凯特琳·史塔克身边。
  She looked at him, lips pressed tightly together. 她抿紧嘴唇看着他。
  As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, Tyrion began, there is a serious flaw in Littlefinger's fable.  刚才我话说到一半,就被人无礼地打断了。提利昂开口道,小指头编的故事里有个很严重的疏漏。
  Whatever you may believe of me, Lady Stark, I promise you this, I never bet against my family. 史塔克夫人,无论你信不信,我可以向你保证——我跟别人赌的时候,只把注下在自家人身上。