冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第445期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(1)(在线收听

   The one-eared black tom arched his back and hissed at her. 独耳的黑公猫拱起背朝她嘶叫。

  Arya padded down the alley, balanced lightly on the balls of her bare feet, listening to the flutter of her heart, breathing slow deep breaths.  艾莉亚沿着小路走,赤裸的脚跟保持平衡,倾听心脏疾跳,深呼吸缓吐气。静如影,她告诉自己,轻如羽。
  Quiet as a shadow, she told herself, light as a feather. The tomcat watched her come, his eyes wary. 公猫看着她渐渐逼近,眼里充满警戒。
  Catching cats was hard. Her hands were covered with half-healed scratches, and both knees were scabbed over where she had scraped them raw in tumbles.  抓猫难。她手上到处都是未愈的抓痕,两脚膝盖则因跌倒擦伤,结满了疤。
  At first even the cook's huge fat kitchen cat had been able to elude her, but Syrio had kept her at it day and night.  刚开始,连厨师养的那只厨房胖猫都能躲过她,但西利欧叫她日夜不停地练习。
  When she'd run to him with her hands bleeding, he had said, So slow? Be quicker, girl.  当她满手是血找上他时,他只说:"怎么这么慢?小妹妹,动作要快。
  Your enemies will give you more than scratches. He had dabbed her wounds with Myrish fire, which burned so bad she had had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.  等你遇到敌人,就不只是抓伤而已了。"他为她在伤口涂上密尔火,烫极了,她咬紧嘴唇才没大声尖叫。
  Then he sent her out after more cats. 然后他又叫她继续去抓猫。
  The Red Keep was full of cats: lazy old cats dozing in the sun, cold-eyed mousers twitching their tails, quick little kittens with claws like needles,  红堡到处都是猫:有在太阳下打盹的慵懒老猫、有冷眼摆尾的捕鼠猫、有爪子利如尖针的灵巧小猫、
  ladies' cats all combed and trusting, ragged shadows prowling the midden heaps.  还有宫廷仕女养的猫,一身的毛梳理柔顺,乖巧听话,以及浑身脏兮兮、专门在垃圾堆里出没的黑猫。
  One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel all but this one, this one-eared black devil of a tomcat.  艾莉亚一只一只追踪到底,然后拎起来,得意万分地带回去给西利欧·佛瑞尔…如今就只差这只独耳的黑色小恶魔啦。
  That's the real king of this castle right there, one of the gold cloaks had told her.  那家伙才是城堡里真正的王,有位穿金披风的都城守卫告诉她。