冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第446期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(2)(在线收听

   Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father,  不但老不死,还坏得跟什么似的。有次国王宴请他老丈人,

  and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers.  结果那黑心肝的混球跳上桌,从泰温大人的手里大摇大摆地叼走一只烤鹌鹑。
  Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child. 劳勃笑得快爆炸。小乖乖,你离那坏蛋远点。
  He had run her halfway across the castle; twice around the Tower of the Hand,  为了抓它,她跑遍半个城堡:绕了首相塔两圈,
  across the inner bailey, through the stables, down the serpentine steps, past the small kitchen and the pig yard and the barracks of the gold cloaks,  穿越内城中庭,钻进马厩,走下层层环绕的螺旋梯,经过小厨房、养猪场和都城守卫队的营房,
  along the base of the river wall and up more steps and back and forth over Traitor's Walk,  顺着临河城墙的根基,再上楼梯,在叛徒走道上来来回回,
  and then down again and through a gate and around a well and in and out of strange buildings until Arya didn't know where she was. 然后又下楼,出一道门,绕过一口井,进出前方形形色色的建筑,到最后艾莉亚根本不知自己所在何处。
  Now at last she had him. High walls pressed close on either side, and ahead was a blank windowless mass of stone.  这下她总算逮着它了。左右两边都是高墙,前方则是大片没开窗的石壁。
  Quiet as a shadow, she repeated, sliding forward, light as a feather. 静如影,她滑步向前,在心中重复,轻如羽。
  When she was three steps away from him, the tomcat bolted. Left, then right, he went; and right, then left, went Arya, cutting off his escape.  当她离它只剩三步之遥时,公猫倏地冲了出来。先往左,再往右,艾莉亚便先挡右,再挡左,切断了它逃生的路。
  He hissed again and tried to dart between her legs. Quick as a snake, she thought.  它又发出嘶叫,试图从她两脚之间溜走。迅如蛇,她心想。
  Her hands closed around him. She hugged him to her chest, whirling and laughing aloud as his claws raked at the front of her leather jerkin.  她伸手抓住它,把它抱在胸前,乐得放声大笑,四处转圈,任由它的利爪撕扯她的皮上衣。
  Ever so fast, she kissed him right between the eyes, and jerked her head back an instant before his claws would have found her face.  她用更快的速度在它两眼之间轻吻一下,并在它伸出爪子抓她脸的前一刻缩回。
  The tomcat yowled and spit. 公猫嘶吼着朝她吐口水。
  What's he doing to that cat? 他在跟那只猫做什么?