冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第447期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(3)(在线收听

   Startled, Arya dropped the cat and whirled toward the voice.  艾莉亚吓了一跳,松开猫,旋身面对声音的来源。

  The tom bounded off in the blink of an eye.  公猫转瞬间便一溜烟逃走。
  At the end of the alley stood a girl with a mass of golden curls, dressed as pretty as a doll in blue satin.  小巷的另一端站着一个满头金卷发、穿着蓝锦缎衣服、漂亮得像个洋娃娃似的女孩。
  Beside her was a plump little blond boy with a prancing stag sewn in pearls across the front of his doublet and a miniature sword at his belt.  她身边有个胖嘟嘟的金发小男孩,外衣胸前用珍珠绣了一只昂首腾跃的公鹿,腰际配了把微型剑。
  Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen, Arya thought.  是弥赛菈公主和托曼王子,艾莉亚心想。
  A septa as large as a draft horse hovered over them, and behind her two big men in crimson cloaks, Lannister house guards. 他们身边跟了一个块头大得像犁马的修女,她背后还有两个兰尼斯特家的贴身护卫,都是牛高马大的汉子。
  What were you doing to that cat, boy? Myrcella asked again, sternly.  小弟弟,你在跟那只猫做什么啊?弥赛菈口气严厉地再度发问,
  To her brother she said, He's a ragged boy, isn't he? Look at him. She giggled. 然后对弟弟说,你瞧,他还真是个脏兮兮的小弟弟,对不对?
  A ragged dirty smelly boy, Tommen agreed. 对,衣服破烂,又脏又臭的小弟弟。托曼同意。
  They don't know me, Arya realized. They don't even know I'm a girl.  他们没认出我,艾莉亚这才明白,他们甚至不知道我是女孩。
  Small wonder; she was barefoot and dirty, her hair tangled from the long run through the castle, clad in a jerkin ripped by cat claws and brown roughspun pants hacked off above her scabby knees.  这也难怪,她光着脚丫,全身肮脏,在城堡里跑过一圈以后,头发乱成一团,身上的皮背心布满了猫的爪痕,粗布缝制的棕色裤子膝盖以下都被割掉,
  You don't wear skirts and silks when you're catching cats. Quickly she lowered her head and dropped to one knee.  露出伤疤遍布的双脚—抓猫总不能穿裙子或丝衣吧。她连忙低头,单膝跪下。他们要是认不出她来,就太好了。
  Maybe they wouldn't recognize her. If they did, she would never hear the end of it. Septa Mordane would be mortified, and Sansa would never speak to her again from the shame. 若是被认出来,她会吃不了兜着走的。因为这不但会丢光茉丹修女的脸,连珊莎也将觉得可耻,从此再不跟她说话。
  The old fat septa moved forward. Boy, how did you come here? You have no business in this part of the castle. 肥胖的老修女往前挪了挪。小弟弟,你怎么跑到这里来的?你不该在城堡里到处乱跑喔。
  You can't keep this sort out, one of the red cloaks said. Like trying to keep out rats. 没办法,这种人赶也赶不完,一个红袍卫士道,跟赶老鼠一样的道理。