冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第448期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(4)(在线收听

   Who do you belong to, boy? the septa demanded. Answer me. What's wrong with you, are you mute? 小弟弟,你是谁家的孩子?修女质问,告诉我。你怎么了?你是哑巴吗?

  Arya's voice caught in her throat. If she answered, Tommen and Myrcella would know her for certain. 艾莉亚的话音卡在喉咙里。如果她出声回答,托曼和弥赛菈一定会认出她来。
  Godwyn, bring him here, the septa said. The taller of the guardsmen started down the alley. 高德温,把他带过来。修女说。长得较高的那名卫士朝小巷的这边走来。
  Panic gripped her throat like a giant's hand. Arya could not have spoken if her life had hung on it. Calm as still water, she mouthed silently. 恐慌如巨人的手攫住她的喉咙,艾莉亚知道自己命悬于此,不发出半点声音。止如水,她在心里默念。
  As Godwyn reached for her, Arya moved. Quick as a snake. She leaned to her left, letting his fingers brush her arm, spinning around him. Smooth as summer silk.  就在高德温伸手的前一刻,艾莉亚采取了行动。迅如蛇。她重心左移,他的手指擦臂而过。她绕过他。柔如丝。
  By the time he got himself turned, she was sprinting down the alley. Swift as a deer. The septa was screeching at her.  待他转身,她已朝巷口飞奔而去。疾如鹿。修女朝她尖叫,
  Arya slid between legs as thick and white as marble columns, bounded to her feet,  艾莉亚从她两条粗得像白色大理石柱的腿中间钻过去,站起身,
  bowled into Prince Tommen and hopped over him when he sat down hard and said Oof, spun away from the second guard, and then she was past them all, running full out. 迎面撞上托曼王子,他哎哟一声重重坐倒。她从他身上跳过,闪开第二个侍卫,然后她便摆脱他们,全速逃走。
  She heard shouts, then pounding footsteps, closing behind her. She dropped and rolled. The red cloak went careening past her, stumbling.  她听见叫喊,紧接着是砰砰砰的脚步迅速朝她逼近。她身子一蹲,着地滚开。红衣卫士踉跄着冲过她身边,差点跌倒。
  Arya sprang back to her feet. She saw a window above her, high and narrow, scarcely more than an arrow slit. Arya leapt, caught the sill, pulled herself up.  艾莉亚一跃起身,看到头上有扇又高又窄的窗子,比城墙上的射箭孔大不了多少,便向上一跳,攀住窗台,往上拉升,
  She held her breath as she wriggled through. Slippery as an eel.  闭着气往里挤。滑如鳗。