冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第450期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(6)(在线收听

   It was very dark right now, she realized.  她发觉这里也很暗,

  She hugged her bare knees tight against her chest and shivered. She would wait quietly and count to ten thousand.  于是缩起裸露的膝盖,紧紧抱在胸前,发起抖来。她决定在这里默默数到一万,
  By then it would be safe for her to come creeping back out and find her way home. 等那时候就可以安全地爬出去,找路回家了。
  By the time she had reached eighty-seven, the room had begun to lighten as her eyes adjusted to the blackness.  当她数到八十七的时候,眼睛已经习惯了黑暗,
  Slowly the shapes around her took on form. Huge empty eyes stared at her hungrily through the gloom, and dimly she saw the jagged shadows of long teeth. She had lost the count.  房间也似乎逐渐亮起来,身边的事物缓缓现形。昏暗之中,无数巨大而空洞的眼睛饥渴地瞪着她。她隐约看到长牙的锯齿阴影。她顿时忘了数到哪里,
  She closed her eyes and bit her lip and sent the fear away. When she looked again, the monsters would be gone. Would never have been.  只敢闭上眼睛,咬住嘴唇,驱赶恐惧。等她睁眼再看,怪兽就会不见。怪兽会不存在。
  She pretended that Syrio was beside her in the dark, whispering in her ear. Calm as still water, she told herself. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine.  她假装西利欧也在黑暗中,陪在她身边,对她悄声说话。止如水,她告诉自己,壮如熊,猛如狼,
  She opened her eyes again. 然后睁开眼睛。
  The monsters were still there, but the fear was gone. 怪兽还在,恐惧却消失了。
  Arya got to her feet, moving warily. The heads were all around her. She touched one, curious, wondering if it was real.  艾莉亚小心翼翼地站起来。四周都是头骨,她好奇地摸摸其中一个,不知到底是不是真的。
  Her fingertips brushed a massive jaw. It felt real enough. The bone was smooth beneath her hand, cold and hard to the touch.  她的指尖拂过一个宽大的下巴,摸起来挺像真的。骨头的感觉很平滑,既冷且硬。
  She ran her fingers down a tooth, black and sharp, a dagger made of darkness.It made her shiver. 她的手指摸到一颗牙齿,又黑又尖,活像是由黑暗所造的匕首,她不禁打了个寒颤。