冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第452期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(8)(在线收听

   Her fingers brushed against rough unfinished stone to her left. She followed the wall, her hand skimming along the surface, taking small gliding steps through the darkness.  左手边,她的指头拂过未完工的粗石表面。她便沿着墙走,手在石面游移,踏着小碎步慢慢穿越黑暗。

  All halls lead somewhere. Where there is a way in, there is a way out. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Arya would not be afraid.  每个房间总有出路,有进必有出嘛。而且,恐惧比利剑更伤人。艾莉亚不能害怕。
  It seemed as if she had been walking a long ways when the wall ended abruptly and a draft of cold air blew past her cheek. Loose hairs stirred faintly against her skin. 她仿佛走了好长一段,墙壁突然到了尽头,一团冷气吹过她的脸颊。松开的头发轻轻拍打着她的皮肤。
  From somewhere far below her, she heard noises.  她听见有声音从下方很远的地方传来。
  The scrape of boots, the distant sound of voices.  靴子的磨地声,遥远的交谈声。
  A flickering light brushed the wall ever so faintly, and she saw that she stood at the top of a great black well, a shaft twenty feet across plunging deep into the earth.  摇曳的火光朦胧地扫过墙壁,她这才发现自己正站在一口大黑井边,井足足有二十尺宽,开口直向地心。
  Huge stones had been set into the curving walls as steps, circling down and down, dark as the steps to hell that Old Nan used to tell them of.  弯曲的墙上嵌了大石头作为楼梯,向下回旋回旋,漆黑得就像老奶妈以前常跟他们说的,通往地狱的阶梯。
  And something was coming up out of the darkness, out of the bowels of the earth?. 有东西正从黑暗中爬出来,从地心深处爬出来…
  Arya peered over the edge and felt the cold black breath on her face. Far below, she saw the light of a single torch, small as the flame of a candle.  艾莉亚趴在井边偷偷往下看,一股冰冷的黑气迎面袭来。下方极远处,她看到一根火把的亮光,微小有如烛火。
  Two men, she made out. Their shadows writhed against the sides of the well, tall as giants. She could hear their voices, echoing up the shaft. 她分辨出是两个人,他们的影子交错投射在墙上,高大有如巨人。她听见他们的声音,回荡着传向井边。